Rhode Island
State Suicide Prevention Website: Prevent Suicide Rhode Island
Kelsea Tucker
Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Grant Director
Rhode Island Department of Health
Dierdre O’Donnell
Violence and Injury Prevention Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health

State and Community Organizations
- NAMI - Rhode Island (800) 749-3197
- Mental Health Association of Rhode Island
- AFSP Rhode Island - State Fact Sheet
- Brown University Clinical Psychology Training Consortium (401) 455-6430
- Kid's Link RI (24-hour hotline for RI) (855) 543-5465
- Parent Support Network of Rhode Island (800) 483-8844
- Samaritans, Inc. Rhode Island (401) 272-4243
- United Way of Rhode Island (401) 444-0600
- Rhode Island Student Assistanc Services (RISAS) (401) 732-8680
Prevention Plans
Resources and Tools