Recommendations for School-Based Suicide Prevention Screening

ICF International
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These recommendations were developed by the Lessons Learned Working Group (LLWG), a partnership of multiple agencies and key stakeholders in suicide prevention. Based on a review of available research literature, Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) program screening data, and the experiences of GLS grantees, the group created these recommendations for school-based suicide prevention screening. The recommendations stress early involvement of all stakeholders and that screening programs be developed in conjunction with a comprehensive strategic plan that assesses the local context and the available resources to address the problem.
They are based on a literature review and the experience of Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grantees.
Program Objectives:
Those who read the recommendations will have increased:
1.Understanding of the importance of involving multiple stakeholders during planning.
2.Understanding the importance of protocols to increase screening effectiveness and safety.
3.Understanding of the importance of working with qualified behavioral health professionals.
4.Knowledge of the importance of pre-determined referral mechanisms for students who may be at-risk of suicide.