State Suicide Prevention Website: Indiana State Suicide Prevention
State Coalition Website: Indiana Suicide Prevention Coalitions, Councils, Taskforce
Michelle Fox, LCSW
State Suicide Prevention Director
Division of Mental Health and Addiction
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
402 W Washington Street, W353
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Jason Craig, CPS-A
Director, Indiana Suicide Prevention Network

State and Community Organizations
- Indiana 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Page
- NAMI Indiana (800) 677-6442
- Mental Health America of Indiana (317) 638-3501
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Indiana Chapter (317) 517-5973
- Purdue University Fort Wayne - Behavioral Health and Family Studies Institute (260) 481-4184
- Indiana Division of Mental Health & Addiction (317) 232-7935
- Indiana Department of Education - School Crisis Prevention (317) 232-6610
- LookUp Indiana (800) 284-8439
- Indiana Suicide Prevention Network website
- Indiana Department of Health Suicide Prevention Page
- Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs Governor's Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans and their Families
Prevention Plans