State Suicide Prevention Website: Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
State Coalition Website: Kansas Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Alex Zelkovitz
State Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
503 South Kansas Avenue
Topeka, KS 66603

State and Community Organizations
- Kansas Suicide Prevention Headquarters (KSPHQ) | Support, Education, Crisis Services
- Kansas Suicide Prevention Coalition | Kansans United to Prevent Suicide
- Kansas Suicide Prevention Resource Center (785) 841-9900
- Kansas Prevention Collaborative
- Kansas prevention awareness campaign
- NAMI Kansas (800) 539-2660
- Mental Health America of the Heartland (913) 281-2221
- AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) Greater Kansas (913) 620-4136
- Man Therapy Kansas
- Kansas Suicide Data Dashboard
- Kansas Agricultural Stress
Prevention Plans
Resources and Tools