News & Highlights
This section presents news and highlights from SPRC and the suicide prevention field. Use the filters on the left to find the following items:
- Weekly Spark, SPRC’s online newsletter, containing brief news articles, research summaries, announcements, and funding opportunities. Subscribe to the Weekly Spark.
- Director’s Corner, a monthly column by SPRC leadership and guest authors.
- From the Field, innovative activities being implemented in states, communities, healthcare organizations, and other settings.
- Prevention in Practice stories highlight innovation in suicide prevention.
- Surveillance Success Stories focus on using data to inform suicide prevention efforts.
- State Infrastructure Success Stories highlight real-life examples of states that have built infrastructure essential for advancing suicide prevention.
Displaying 9 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.
From the Field

New Hampshire’s State Plan Implementation Approach
February 18, 2021
New Hampshire’s implementation of its state suicide prevention plan provides a powerful example of coordinated work resulting in tangible improvements...
From the Field

Suicides Decrease as Utah’s Prevention Infrastructure Grows
November 23, 2020 In this short video, Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Director Doug Thomas discusses the importance of...
From the Field

Colorado Legislator Acts with Bold Humility to Prevent Suicide
November 23, 2020 In this short video, former state Senator and suicide loss survivor Linda Newell shares lessons from her involvement in...
From the Field

Building State and Local Funding in Colorado
September 22, 2020 In this five-minute story, Sarah Brummett of Colorado’s Department of Public Health & Environment describes how Colorado leveraged existing...
From the Field

Tennessee’s Statewide Suicide Prevention Network
January 28, 2020
The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN) is an independent nonprofit organization that is housed within Mental Health America of the MidSouth and has regional...
From the Field,

Utah’s Multifaceted Suicide Prevention Program
January 28, 2020
The Utah Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health oversees the implementation of the...
From the Field

Massachusetts Authorization for Suicide Prevention Funding
January 10, 2020
The Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention (MCSP) was established in 1999 as a public/private partnership between government agencies such as the...
From the Field

Colorado’s Office of Suicide Prevention and Suicide Prevention Commission
October 15, 2019
The Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention was established in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) during the...
From the Field

Minnesota’s Suicide-Related Data Plan
October 02, 2019
Minnesota gathers, analyzes, and disseminates high-quality data on suicide prevention across the state. In 2015, Minnesota passed legislation requiring that a detailed...