It is essential that clinicians who work with adolescent clients at risk for suicide possess th...
Online Library
Use the Resource Type filter on the left to find resources (e.g., tools, fact sheets, reports) developed by SPRC and other suicide prevention organizations.
- For suicide prevention programs and interventions, including upstream programs and interventions, visit SPRC’s Best Practices Registry.
- For information about other program registries and lists, visit our Finding Programs and Practices page.
Displaying 1203 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Creating a Therapeutic Alliance in the Early Stages of Treatment With Adolescents at Risk for Suicide: A Tip Sheet for Clinicians

Recommendations for Local Suicide Prevention Infrastructure
These recommendations were developed to help local settings—such as municipalities, counties,...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Barriers and Opportunities for Suicide Prevention Among Correctional Officers: An Issue Brief for Clinicians
Correctional officers work a tough beat in law enforcement. Their job—keeping incarcerated pe...

Connect, Invest, Uplift: Protect Black Youth From Suicide
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Levels of Lived Experience Engagement in Suicide Prevention Projects

Considerations and Best Practices for Lived Experience Programs
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

SPRC's Lived Experience Program Background
Resource List/Bibliography

Suicide Prevention Month: Ideas for Action

Simulation in Suicide-Specific Clinical Training: Guidelines for Programs
This document, intended for universities and clinical training directors, contains guidelines f...

Connect with us at AAS24

2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Resource for Action
CDC’s Suicide Prevention Resource for Action (Prevention Resource) details the strategies wit...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Screening and Safety Planning With Adults at Risk of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Suicide: An Issue Brief for Clinicians
This issue brief identifies some of the challenges clinicians may encounter when working at the...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Warning Signs of Suicide: A Fact Sheet for Family and Community Members
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Warning Signs of Suicide: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians

Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth: A Resource Guide for Professionals, Families, and Communities
Resource List/Bibliography

Suicide Prevention Resource Center's Best Practices Registry
SPRC's library of suicide prevention programs and interventions that incorporate best practices...
SPRC 2021 Tribal Suicide Prevention Needs Assessment Aggregate Technical Report
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide and Serious Mental Illness: An Overview of Considerations, Assessment, and Safety Planning
Tools to Build a Strong State Foundation: Infrastructure Development (AAS21 Presentation)
This presentation includes an overview of SPRC's Recommendations for State Suicide Prevention I...

Stanley-Brown Safety Plan
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Promoting Psychological Health and Suicide Prevention among Older Adults during COVID-19
Public Perception of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Survey Results
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Increased Access to Mental Health Care for Older Adults: Getting Support during COVID-19
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation among Older Adults
Video/Audio Recording

Treating Suicidal Patients during COVID-19

The Links between Public Health Crises and Suicide
State Lifeline Reports: January-June 2020
These reports examine call volume for each state and the territories of American Samoa, Guam an...
Video/Audio Recording

Aftercare That Makes a Difference

Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors (2nd ed.)
Resource List/Bibliography

Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program: A Comparison Table of Trainings Available Online

Guidance for Culturally Adapting Gatekeeper Trainings

Selecting and Implementing a Gatekeeper Training
This tool provides information on gatekeeper trainings. It contains questions and lists of fact...
Resource List/Bibliography
Bullying prevention: 2020 resource guide
This guide provides links to a multitude of bullying prevention resources available to you. It ...

Best Practices in Care Transitions for Individuals with Suicide Risk: Inpatient Care to Outpatient Care
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Resources for Suicide Loss Survivors
This fact sheet describes the impact of a suicide death, suicidal grief, barriers to seeki...

R3 Report Issue 18: National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) 15.01.01 for suicide prevention
The Joint Commission realized that suicide rates have not improved over the past decade and has...
Video/Audio Recording

Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Understanding Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide: A Primer for Preventing Suicide
This primer provides an overview of risk and protective factors for suicide and guidance on how...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Financing suicide prevention in health care systems

A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention

Best and Promising Practices for the Implementation of Zero Suicide in Health and Behavioral Health Care Systems in Indian Country
Video/Audio Recording
Faith Leaders' Guide to Self-Care after a Suicide
When someone dies by suicide, faith leaders are often called upon to provide care and support t...
A Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary and Resources
This document was developed by ensuring that local policies are in line with the latest researc...
Uniting for Suicide Postvention
Suicide postvention builds on prevention efforts by providing immediate and ongoing support to ...
National Suicide Prevention Strategies: Progress, Examples and Indicators
This guide outlines strategies for developing, implementing and evaluating national suicid...
Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth
Healthy mental, emotional and behavioral development are protective against suicide. The public...
Preventing Suicide: A Community Engagement Toolkit
This toolkit is a step-by-step guide for people who would like to initiate suicide prevention a...
Trevor national survey on LGBTQ youth mental health
This is the Trevor Project’s first wide-ranging report from a cross-sectional national survey...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
National estimate of LGBTQ youth seriously considering suicide
The Trevor Project consulted with experts and national datasets to arrive at estimates of LGBTQ...

State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide among Women Veterans: Risk Factors Associated with Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being
Women veterans are almost twice as likely as non-veteran women to die by suicide. This issue br...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Tailoring crisis response and pre-arrest diversion models for rural communities
This brief features a few current strategies and technologies that rural communities can adopt ...
Adolescent connectedness has lasting effects
Learning center assistance listings
This beta website replaces the online Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). It provide...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Mental Health Providers
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Teachers
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Alcohol and drug misuse and suicide and the millennial generation: A devastating impact
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide rates for females and males by race and ethnicity: United States, 1999 and 2017
This data brief examined the growth in the suicide rate between the years 1999 and 2017 fo...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
How women’s reproductive cycles and sexual health affect their suicide risk
The suicide rate among women Veterans is nearly twice that of their civilian peers. Sexual dysf...
Screening and assessment of co-occurring disorders in the justice system
This guide examines practices for screening and assessment of people in the justice system who ...

Locating and Understanding Data for Suicide Prevention
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Pain in the nation update: While deaths from alcohol, drugs, and suicide slowed slightly in 2017, rates are still at historic highs
This issue brief reports on 2017 alcohol-and drug-induced fatalities and suicide which had reac...
Leveraging Funding Sources and Partnerships in Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
This guide provides a compilation of public and private funding sources and strategic guidance ...
Suicide reporting recommendations: Media as partners in suicide prevention
The purpose of the toolkit is to provide media professionals with application-based recommendat...
Blueprints for healthy youth development
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a registry of evidence-based positive youth develop...
What you can do: Firearm injury prevention
This website provides physicians with resources and tools to identify, counsel and intervene wi...

A practical guide to psychiatric advance directives
This guide provides background and practical information promoting the use of psychiatric advan...
Community support resource for those impacted by gun violence
This resources helps community members identify and support those impacted by mass shootings su...
Video/Audio Recording
Rocky Mountain short takes on suicide prevention: Postvention 101
In this first of a series of podcasts on postvention, speakers Dr. Sarra Nazem and Dr. Jack Jor...
The practical playbook II: Building multisector partnerships that work
This book expands upon work of the Institute of Medicine commissioned by the Centers for Diseas...
Health systems interventions to prevent firearm injuries and death
The Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice of the National Academies of Sciences...

Suicide prevention competencies for faith leaders: Supporting life before, during, and after a suicidal crisis
Behind the asterisk*: Perspectives on young adult mental health from "small and hard-to-reach" communities
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
After a school tragedy: Readiness, response, recovery & resources
This resource helps schools support students and families in the aftermath of violence and trau...
Safe messaging best practices: A guide for anyone communicating and writing about Veteran suicide
Media portrayals of suicide can influence behavior in a positive manner by encouraging help-see...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Coping after suicide loss: Tips for grieving adults, children and schools
This resource provides guidance on how to cope with one's own emotions after the suicide d...
Suicide: A preventable public health priority
This webinar provides an overview of suicide prevention as a public health issue in the US. Ell...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide and social media: A tipsheet for parents and providers
This tip sheet provides direction to parents to monitor their children’s use of social media ...

National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide
This resource provides the first-ever national recommendations for depicting suicide in enterta...

Zero Suicide Outcome Stories
This webpage provides a portal to the Zero Suicide Outcome Stories, a series that high...

Behavioral health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives for behavioral health service providers, administrators and supervisors
Video/Audio Recording

Strategic Communication Planning
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk: Core Competencies for Mental Health Professionals (AMSR)
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) is a series of one-day or half-day training...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Overview of criteria and ratings: National Repository of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
Improving care to prevent suicide among people with serious mental illness: Proceedings of a workshop
In September 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a worksho...

CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
Suicide rates by major occupational group — 17 states, 2012 and 2015
Using data from 17 states participating in the National Violent Death Reporting System in 2012 ...
If the media is ready to change the conversation to suicide prevention, are we ready to help them?
The executive director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline discusses how the suicide pr...

Suicide Surveillance Strategies for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide mortality in the United States, 1999–2017
This trend analysis examines differences in suicide percentages and rates by sex, age grou...
Video/Audio Recording

How emergency departments can help prevent suicide among at-risk patients: Five brief interventions

Patient Safety Screener webpage
Preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
These training modules are divided into two sections. There are two introductory modules design...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance Success Stories – Centerstone of Tennessee
Video/Audio Recording

David Jobes, PhD, on Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments and Suicide-Specific Brief Interventions

VA national suicide data report: 2005–2016
This report documents differences in suicide mortality between Veterans who have and have not u...

Safety planning intervention for suicide prevention
Public health surveillance: Preparing for the future
This report highlights CDC’s progress and future directions for its Surveillance Strategy, a ...
Concepts matter: Ending the self-injury mortality (SIM) epidemic is an early 21st century imperative
The author makes a case for a concept representing not separate suicide and poisoning mort...
Incidence and method of suicide in hospitals in the United States
Using data from the National Violent Data Reporting System (NVDRS) and the Joint Commission's S...
College counseling from a distance: Deciding whether and when to engage in telemental health services
The purpose of this guide is to: 1. Outline the potential benefits, limitations, and concerns r...
Opioid epidemic practical toolkit: Helping faith and community leaders bring hope and healing to our communities
This toolkit was created to equip faith-based and community leaders to be able to respond to th...
#chatsafe: A young person’s guide for communicating safely online about suicide
Healthy Campus Award: Celebrating success in student health and wellness, Key findings reports
Active Minds presents the Healthy Campus Award as part of its ongoing commitment to student wel...
Student fees: A campaign guide for students
This campaign guide is for students wanting to raise or modify student fees on campus for fundi...
Coercion related to mental health and substance use in the context of intimate partner violence: A toolkit for screening, assessment, and brief counseling in primary care and behavioral health settings
This toolkit provides trauma-informed guidance on integrating questions about mental health and...

Recommended CSTE indicators for suicide among American Indians and Alaska Natives
This resource guide identifies and describes indicators of suicidal behavior and associated&nbs...
VA suicide risk management consultation program
This no-cost consultation service is available to any provider who serves veterans at risk for ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide rates in the United States continue to increase
This data brief describes trends in suicide deaths by sex, age group and means of suicide ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Mental health-related physician office visits by adults aged 18 and over: United States, 2012–2014. (Data Brief, No. 311)
This data brief examines adult mental health-related physician office visits by specialty and s...
Healthcare professional burnout, depression and suicide prevention
This webpage contains many helpful resources to prevent suicide among physicians and residents....

After an attempt guides for families, providers and those being treated in EDs
Resource List/Bibliography

Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program: A Comparison Table
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Suicide prevention facts and resources
This two-page fact sheet includes information about suicide in the U.S., the Suicide Assessment...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Addressing the challenges of the opioid crisis and serious mental illness
This two-page fact sheet includes information about opioid abuse and serious mental illness in ...
Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Early Intervention and Prevention Strategies national outcomes evaluation: Report to Congress, fiscal year 2017
Using science to improve communications about suicide among military and veteran populations: Looking for a few good messages
Experts have recommended public communications as part of a comprehensive effort to prevent sui...
Why suicidology should pay attention to moral injury
The author discusses moral injury among Veterans, associated suicide risk, how it is similar to...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Pain in the nation: Healthcare systems brief: How healthcare systems can help address the drug, alcohol and suicide crises
This brief provides guidance on how healthcare systems can address drug, alcohol and suicide cr...
Crisis supports for the autism community
This short guide assists crisis workers in identifying and supporting autistic callers/texters ...

Crisis Now website
This website provides tools, recommendations and case examples on the Crisis Now model which wa...

Helping children and youth who have traumatic experiences
This short report highlights the incidence of traumatic experiences among children, the impact ...
Public policy approaches to violence prevention: Proceedings of a workshop—in brief
This 9 page document summarizes a workshop convened by The National Academies in 2016, with the...
Conducting research with participants at elevated risk for suicide: Considerations for researchers
This document is intended to support the development of NIMH research grant applications in sui...
Broad-based assessment of suicide data and suicide prevention services through the Colorado National Collaborative
This article describes an initial broad-based assessment conducted by the Colorado National Col...
Support on social media
This webpage includes three sections for providing support on social media.
• ...
Navigating a mental health crisis: A NAMI resource for those experiencing a mental health emergency
This guide outlines what can contribute to a crisis, planning for a crisis, warning signs that ...
YRBSS methods
This website provides the latest CDC report describing the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Sys...
National strategy for preventing veteran suicide, 2018–2028
The VA developed the National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide in alignment with th...

Recommended standard care for people with suicide risk: Making health care suicide safe
RISING SUN toolkit
The Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups - Strengths United through Networks ...
Video/Audio Recording
Rocky Mountain Short Takes on Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention Master Series with Dr. Jerry Reed

After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools, Second Edition
NVDRS special report: Deaths from suicide among U.S. Veterans and Armed Forces in 16 states
SAMHSA’s Evidence-based practices resource center
Comparing suicide rates: Making an apples to apples comparison
In this article the author explains how different considerations such as where a person is...
Trends in suicide by level of urbanization, United States, 1999–2015
During 1999–2015, suicide rates increased across all levels of urbanization, with the gap in ...

First responders: Behavioral health concerns, emergency response, and trauma
This article examines the behavioral health concerns of first responders - depression, sub...
Reduction of Suicide and Trespassers on Railway Property (RESTRAIL)
This organization, based in Europe, created materials to mitigate the incidence of railway suic...

Community Toolbox
This website offers free educational modules and tools addressing community assessment, plannin...

Community Toolbox: Developing an intervention
The Community Toolbox: Evaluate the initiative
This part of the University of Kansas's Community Toolbox provides a framework and support...
Issues in developing a surveillance case definition for nonfatal suicide attempt and intentional self-harm using ICD–10–CM coded data.
This guidelines assist injury researchers and practitioners to correctly use coded IC...
The Community Toolbox: Advocating for change
This part of the University of Kansas's Community Toolbox provides a framework and support for ...

Community Toolbox: Implementing effective interventions
This webpage focuses on how to ensure that key aspects of evidence-based approaches are carried...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Pain in the nation update: Deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide reach the highest level ever recorded
This issue brief reports on 2016 alcohol-and drug-induced fatalities and suicide which had reac...

Zero Suicide listserv
The Zero Suicide email discussion list provides a forum for those involved in Zero Suicide to d...

Suicide and the news and information media: A critical review
Video/Audio Recording
Rocky Mountain Short Takes on Suicide Prevention
In this podcast trilogy, Rocky Mountain Short host Adam Hoffberg interviews three key Zero Suic...

The Community Toolbox: Sustaining the work or initiative
Section on sustainability from the Community Tool Box manual.
The Community Toolbox: Developing a plan for financial sustainability
A section on funding and sustainability from The Community Toolbox.
After an attempt: A guide for taking care of yourself after your treatment in the emergency department

After an attempt: A guide for taking care of your family member after treatment in the emergency department
Opioid overdose prevention toolkit
This toolkit offers strategies to health care providers, communities, and local governments for...

After an attempt: A guide for medical providers in the emergency department taking care of suicide attempt survivors
Kansas Annual Summary of Vital Statistics.
A general summary of data compiled from vital event records. It includes a wide range of ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
State veteran suicide data sheets
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) produced this series of state-by-state fact sheets...
The way forward: Federal action for a system that works for all people living with SMI and SED and their families and caregivers – Full report
This federal Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC) report to...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Characteristics of homeless individuals using emergency department services in 2014
This Statistical Brief examines the characteristics and disposition if homeless individuals rep...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Understanding the impact of suicide in rural America: Policy brief and recommendations
This policy brief discusses national suicide trends based on the level of urbanization, hi...
Pain in the nation: The drug, alcohol and suicide epidemics and the need for a national resilience strategy
This report notes significant increases in alcohol- and drug-related deaths and suicide, examin...
Guidelines for integrated suicide-related crisis and follow-up care in emergency departments and other acute settings
Patients and ED staff are often dissatisfied with ED care expressing a lack of ongoing support,...
ASQ Ask suicide-screening questions toolkit
The ASQ Toolkit provides resources tailored to the emergency department, inpatient medical...
The state of mental health in America, 2018
This report provides survey results on the prevalence of mental illness, insurance and access t...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
A framework of recommendations for colleges and universities to support the mental health of students of color
The Equity in Mental Health Framework, a joint project of the JED Foundation and the Steve Fund...
Suicide and the health risks of lack of sleep
This short article discusses the importance of getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night. This can h...
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Demonstration Program Report to Congress, 2017
Section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) of 2014 (Public Law 113-93) authori...
Prevention collaboration in action: Collaboration tools
This suite of tools provides resources through a structure of five steps to forming and sustain...
Complicated Grief Treatment (CGT)
Adolescent Coping with Depression (CWD-A)
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Making the connection: Suicidal thoughts and behaviors and academic grades
Data from the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicates that students that student wit...
Center for the Promotion of Mental Health in Juvenile Justice
A project of the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, the Center conducts research pro...
Suicidality and death by suicide among middle-aged adults in the United States
This short report, based on data from the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the...
SAMHSA Knowledge Network
The Knowledge Network is a collection of technical assistance centers, tools, trainings and oth...
Talk like a man: Communication and connectedness for men in the middle years
This webinar explores the socialization and culture of men in the middle years. It is designed ...
After a campus suicide: A postvention guide for student-led responses
This guide is designed to assist students in leading a campus-wide effective response to a camp...
Building a partnership for research with juvenile justice-involved youth
This article describes the importance of partnerships between researchers, practitioners and ot...
Resource List/Bibliography

Suicide prevention resources for survivors of suicide loss
This sheet lists a selection of organizations, websites, and materials that can help people who...
Resource List/Bibliography

Suicide prevention resources for teens
This sheet lists websites with suicide prevention resources for teens at risk for suicide or wh...
Resource List/Bibliography

Suicide prevention resources for parents/guardians/families
This sheet lists websites and online pages that have suicide prevention resources for parents, ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Suicide prevention resources for adult corrections
This sheet lists written materials, trainings, organizations, and websites that contain informa...
Resource List/Bibliography
13 Reasons Why
This resource lists common questions about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why ...
Special report: Suicide prevention in health care settings, recommendations regarding environmental hazards for providers and surveyors
These recommendations were generated in 2017 by an expert panel in order to ensure the safety o...
Resource List/Bibliography
Youth suicide and self-harm prevention: 2017 resource guide
This guide divides selected resources into seven main sections: (1) Organizations, (2) Policy a...
Public health surveillance of youth suicide attempts: Challenges and opportunities
After participating in ICRC-S’ Training Institute, epidemiologists in KY began an assessment ...
Problem-Solving Therapy (PST)
Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS)
Good Behavior Game (GBG)
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS)
Breaking through barriers: The emerging role of healthcare provider training programs in firearm suicide prevention
This report discusses why health care provider training programs should include lethal means sa...
Conducting research with participants at elevated risk for suicide: Considerations for researchers
This webpage offers guidance for those conducting suicide research, especially research funded ...
Video/Audio Recording
Training videos for the Self-Directed Violence Classification System
This series of six training videos, each 5-8 minutes, for providers and clinicians discusses th...
Preventing violent deaths and addressing health disparities for transition-aged youth (ages 10 to 24) in Texas
Research supports the concept that drug use and multiple forms of intentional injury are inter-...

Suicide clusters within American Indian and Alaskan Native communities: A review of the literature and recommendations
This paper reviews the literature concerning suicide clusters among American Indian and Alaska ...
Speaking the same language: Developing culturally-informed messages about firearm safety
Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) – Cascades noted that many rural firearm suicide...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Emergency department visits related to suicidal ideation, 2006-2013
This brief provides information on ED visits related to suicidal ideation among adults aged 18 ...
Oregon Violent Death Reporting System (ORVDRS) data dashboard
Drawing on Oregon’s Violent Death reporting System, this database provides statistics by year...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Montana
The passage of the Montana Suicide Mortality Review Team Act in 2013 marked the beginning of a ...

Creating Linguistically and Culturally Competent Suicide Prevention Materials
This guide is designed to help public health practitioners produce suicide prevention materials...
Montana Native youth suicide reduction strategic plan
In order to address the significant disparity of suicide rates among Native youth in Montana, K...
Deaths from suicide: A look at 18 states
This special report focuses on suicide using 2013 and 2014 data from 18 states participating in...
Youth suicide prevention in Nebraska
This report summarizes recent fatal and nonfatal data from the CDC among youth and reports on f...

Transforming communities: Key elements for the implementation of comprehensive community-based suicide prevention
Developed by the Action Alliance, this resource presents seven key elements that should guide p...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Texas: Denton and Tarrant Counties
Recommendations for reporting on mass shootings
These recommendations address how media can safely cover an incident where a person (or a small...
Recommendations for blogging on suicide
Suicide is an important public health issue, and those who blog on the topic share diverse pers...

Breaking down barriers: Using youth suicide-related surveillance data from state systems

A roadmap to behavioral health: A guide to using mental health and substance use disorder services
The Center for Mental Health Services (CMS) developed this guide as part of their Behavioral He...
Adverse childhood experiences and suicide risk: Toward comprehensive prevention
Although seldom the focus of suicide prevention efforts, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), ...

Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Practices
Get connected: Linking older adults with medication, alcohol, and mental health resources
This toolkit is designed to assist program managers with planning prevention programs to addres...
Talking about suicide and LGBT populations
A second consortium of organizations held in 2017 issued revised recommendations to guide both ...
Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals - Update 2017
Updated in 2017, this resource briefly summarizes the evidence on the impact of media reporting...
TIP 50: Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment
Part of SAMHSA's Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series, this manual provides guidelines t...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention in Indian country
This fact sheet, developed for tribal audiences and the agencies that work with them, reviews s...
Training healthcare providers and social workers in suicide prevention: A tale of three universities
The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention called for all physicians to be educated in suicid...
The National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda
This report presents a first-of-its-kind collaborative tribal-federal blueprint for improving t...
Video/Audio Recording

Engagement informed by lived experiences
In this three-minute video, Leah Harris, Director of Communications & Development at the Na...
Help & Hope for Survivors of Suicide Loss
This short booklet is designed to assist the newly bereaved without an overwhelming amount of i...
Montana 2016 Suicide Mortality Review Team report
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Database , Website
Arizona County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
Website with a database searchable by county for every state in the U.S. for health outcomes an...
Resource List/Bibliography
Each Mind Matters: Program and Resource Catalogue
Searchable listing of programs and resources relevant to people in California but some are usef...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention policy and legislation
This issue brief describes some of the ways in which policy and legislation can impact suicide ...
SOS Signs of Suicide Middle School and High School Prevention Programs
Adolescent Suicide Risk Assessment
Friend2Friend is a 25-minute, online, interactive training program for high schoo...
Together Strong: Peer Simulation for Veterans and Service Members

Making Educators Partners in Youth Suicide Prevention: ACT on FACTS

Families Are Forever

Crisis now: Transforming services is within our reach
This Action Alliance report describes what can be done to improve suicide care in emergency dep...

Tools from the CAPT: Increasing cultural competence to reduce behavioral health disparities
Zero Suicide: An international declaration for better healthcare
Resource List/Bibliography

Information about logic models
Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention

Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE)
OMHHE monitors and reports on the health status of vulnerable populations and on the effectiven...
Resource List/Bibliography , Website
Don't Be Sidelined State Resources
This website contains information about specific mental illnesses and mental illness in general...
Resource List/Bibliography
Tennessee Resources
This webpage contains links to nine other webpages with a wide variety of resources on and rela...
Newsletters of the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
This webpage contains links to the newsletters of the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network from...
Suicide Prevention
This is the suicide prevention section of the Virginia Department of Health’s website. It inc...
Wyoming Vital Statistics Reports
This webpage contains annual summaries and appendices with Wyoming vital statistics and detaile...
Strengthening our future: Key elements to developing a trauma-informed juvenile justice diversion program for youth with behavioral health conditions
This report presents the current understanding of child trauma in the context of juvenile justi...
Suicide assessment and prevention for older adults
This brochure describes how clinicians can recognize suicide risk, engage at-risk elders in the...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Coalition guide resource
This series of fact sheets is designed to assist and guide communities and leaders through the ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
A snapshot of behavioral health issues for Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander boys and men: Jumpstarting an overdue conversation
This brief highlights issues specific to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander ...
Guidelines/Recommendations , Report

Preventing Suicide among Men in the Middle Years: Recommendations for Suicide Prevention Programs
This publication was created to help state and community suicide prevention programs design and...
After rural suicide: A guide for coordinated community postvention response
This guide was created to support California’s rural counties with developing a formal, local...

A Guide for Early Responders Supporting Survivors Bereaved by Suicide
This guide provides information for emergency responders on how survivors of a suicide loss may...
Simmons College School of Social Work SW 464 - Understanding suicide: Prevention, intervention and postvention
This is the syllabus for a spring 2016 course at Simmons College of Social Work. SW 464 - Un...
Starting the conversation: College and your mental health
This guide was written to provide parents and students with important information about mental ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Fact sheet: Trauma among American Indians and Alaska Natives
This fact sheet discusses types and extent of trauma among American Indians and Alaska Natives ...
Data linkage strategies to advance youth suicide prevention
The purpose of this review is to identify and describe data systems that can be linked to data ...
Better evidence for decision-makers
This document examines flaws with current systems providing access for decision-makers to infor...

Police-mental health collaboration (PMHC) toolkit
This toolkit provides resources for law enforcement agencies to partner with mental health prov...

Challenges and recommendations for evaluating suicide prevention programs

Preventing suicide in emergency department patients
Entrepreneurship education: A strength-based approach to substance use and suicide prevention for American Indian adolescents
This paper describes the development and evaluation of a youth entrepreneurship education progr...
Sample agency practices for responding to client suicide
These guidelines and recommendations are intended to help identify immediate responsibilities a...
Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Program: National outcomes evaluation
Information presented in this report to Congress was gathered from state/tribal and campus Garr...
Suicide among veterans and other Americans, 2001–2014
As part of the VA-led Call to Action to Prevent Veteran Suicide, VA has undertaken the most com...
Video/Audio Recording

Walking Softly to Heal: The Importance of Community Readiness
These resources provide information on how to assess, understand and measure how ready a commun...
An employer’s guide to policy approaches to address alcohol, drugs, tobacco, mental health, suicide, and chronic disease
The aim of this toolkit is to support employers who are seeking ways to improve the health and ...
Sample individual practitioner practices for responding to client suicide
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT)
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Regional behavioral health authorities youth suicide prevention grant contacts
This map provides contact information for behavioral health authorities managing youth suicide ...
Suicide in the workplace
This report describes trends in workplace (occurring at places of work) suicides from 1992 thro...
Resource List/Bibliography
Resources for Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment
This is one webpage on a larger Connecticut suicide prevention website. This webpage contains...
CCDC downtown Boise parking structures: Evaluation and recommendations related to suicide means accessibility
Using police dispatch report data for calls relating to mental health crises and/or suicidal su...

United Suicide Survivors International
Database , Resource List/Bibliography
Connecticut Clearinghouse
A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health diso...
Indiana Mortality Report - State and County Data
This webpage contains annual reports with state and county data for Indiana from 1999 to 2014.<...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Kansas Data and Statistics
A compilation of suicide data and statistics for the state of Kansas mainly focused on the year...
Nebraska LOSS Team
This is the website of the Nebraska Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Team. The Team c...
Suicide lifeguard mobile app
A free mobile app for anyone concerned that someone they know may be thinking about suicide. It...
This is the website of the Connect program, which provides trainings on suicide prevention, int...
NH Suicide Prevention Annual Reports
This webpage contains links to the New Hampshire Suicide Prevention Annual Reports.
A framework and toolkit for school-based (K-12) mental health education.
Status of Suicide in Tennessee is an annual report to provide state legislators, menta...
Resource List/Bibliography
Tennessee Statistics
This webpage contains links to one-page documents with suicide statistics for Tennessee.
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel, developed by the ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Substance use and suicide: A nexus requiring a public health approach
Substance use is linked to a substantial number of suicides and attempts. The brief provides st...
TIP 60: Using technology-based therapeutic tools in behavioral health services
This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) provides an overview of current technology-based asse...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

U.S. Census Bureau Profile America Facts for Features: American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month: November 2015
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
This intervention is the practice of delivering outpatient treatment under court order to adult...

Hope for Life Day Toolkit
This toolkit is geared towards professionals and grass-roots organizers working in AI/AN commun...

A construction industry blueprint: Suicide prevention in the workplace
The construction industry is among occupations at highest risk for suicide. This guide provides...
Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training for Mental Health Professionals
Guidelines/Recommendations , Program/Practice , Manual

Survivor Outreach Team Training Manual
Developed by the Kern County (CA) Mental Health Department (now Kern Behavioral Health and Reco...
Community Gatekeeper Training: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults & Suicide Prevention
Community Gatekeeper Training: LGBT Older Adults & Suicide Prevention
Program/Practice , Guidelines/Recommendations
Check-in With You: The Older Adult Hopelessness Screening Program (OAHS)
Check-in With You: The Older Adult Hopelessness ScreeningProgram

Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines
These guidelines provide a unified, far-reaching blueprint for the development of suicide postv...

Director’s Corner: Postvention as Prevention
In this guest post, Ken Norton, LICSW, executive director of the New Hampshire chapter of the N...

U.S. National Suicide Prevention Research Efforts: 2008-2013 Portfolio Analyses
This report, put together by the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention's Research Pr...

Behavioral health among college students information & resource kit
This toolkit discusses the range of substance misuse among many young adults as they enter coll...

Zero suicide in health and behavioral health care
Zero Suicide is founded on the belief that suicide deaths for individuals under care within hea...
Trauma-informed care in behavioral health services: Quick guide for clinicians based on TIP 57
Based on the Treatment Improvement Protocol, Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services...
Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, Evaluation findings, Report to Congress, 2012-2013
The Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, als...
Resource List/Bibliography
LGBT training curricula for behavioral health and primary care practitioners
This list of professional training curricula for behavioral health and primary care practitione...
Healthy Youth Survey Data
The Healthy Youth Survey provides information about youth in Washington that is used by county ...

A journey toward health and hope: Your handbook for recovery after a suicide attempt
Guides people through the first steps toward recovery and a hopeful future after a suicide atte...
Healing of the canoe: Preliminary results of a culturally grounded intervention to prevent substance abuse and promote tribal identity for native youth in two Pacific Northwest tribes
This article describes a culturally grounded social skills intervention to promote increased cu...
Psychiatric-mental health nurse essential competencies for assessment and management of individuals at risk for suicide
The following essential competencies for psychiatric registered nurses working in hospital sett...
ZEST toolkit for suicide safer care centers
The ZEST toolkit is intended to provide guidance and support to community behavioral health cen...
Youth warning signs
In order to achieve a consensus on warning signs for youth suicide, a panel of national and int...

Promoting emotional health and preventing suicide: A toolkit for senior centers
This toolkit provides ideas for integrating suicide prevention into the work of senior centers....
The Carter Center journalism resource guide on behavioral health
This resource guide is intended to aid the media in fair and accurate coverage of mental illnes...

Collaboration toolkit: California community colleges and California county behavioral and mental health departments
This toolkit resource identifies ways to build sustainable partnerships between community colle...
Suicidal thoughts and behavior among adults: Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
This report presents findings from the 2014 NSDUH on the percentages and numbers of adults aged...
Suicide surveillance data toolkit for GLS grantees
This first version of the toolkit is focused on national-level systems that collect data on sui...
Entertainment & media depiction suggestions for portraying behavioral health conditions: Mental illness and substance abuse disorders
These guidelines provide suggestions for accurate portrayal, words and tone, ways in which the ...
Resource List/Bibliography
Engaging suicide attempt survivors
This sheet contains resources which include videos, websites, reports, and toolkits that can he...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Vermont

Screening/Assessing Students: Indicators and Tools
Coming together to care: A suicide prevention and postvention toolkit for Texas communities
This 2015 update to the suicide prevention and postvention toolkit focuses on safe suicide care...
Riverside Trauma Center postvention guidelines
This document offers guidelines for schools, organizations, and communities to follow after a s...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Ohio
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Don’t do it alone: A school system rises to the challenge of three student suicides
Larry Berkowitz, EdD, director of Riverside Trauma Center, discusses developing a school postve...
Resource List/Bibliography

Resources in behavioral health crisis services
This document provides information on crisis services and provides lists of crisis lines and mo...
The truth about suicide & guns
This report includes a synthesis of data and research from the CDC, academic journals, and a va...
Aiming for zero suicides

Cost of Injury Reports and Partner Toolkit
Ending conversion therapy: Supporting and affirming LGBTQ youth
Presents research, clinical expertise, and expert consensus on therapeutic practices related to...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The moment I felt hope: A suicide attempt survivor reflects on strengths and weaknesses in suicide care
In this interview transcript, Diana Cortez, a suicide prevention advocate, shares her personal ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Becoming better listeners: One health care organization’s experience of committing to the Zero Suicide approach
In this interview transcript, Kim Walton, chief clinical officer for behavioral health at Commu...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Texas injury data brief
The following data brief summarizes the burden of suicide in Texas and demonstrates which popul...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

A continuum of behavioral health crisis services
This document describes the continuum of behavioral health crisis services.
Although the current evidence base for the effects of psychosocial interventions is sizable, su...
State participation in the Medicaid expansion provision of the affordable care act: Implications for uninsured individuals with a behavioral health condition
The ACA expands Medicaid coverage to adults below 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL...
Protect the community, protect each other
This Guide is written in language familiar to those serving our communities and is intended to ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Annual suicide data
This web page includes the yearly U.S.A. Suicide: Official Final Data sheets compiled by John L...

After a suicide resource directory: Coping with grief, trauma, and distress
“After a Suicide" is a portal linking people who are grieving after a death by suicide to an ...

TIP 59: Improving cultural competence
Resource List/Bibliography
SAMHSA enrollment and outreach resources
This sheet lists resources outreach programs can use to ensure people with mental and/or substa...
Suicide safe mobile app
This app equips providers with education and support resources to assess patients' risk of suic...
Resource List/Bibliography
Bibliography of suicide prevention research for colleges and universities
This sheet lists survey results and studies relevant to different aspects of campus suicide pre...
Communicating to advance the public's health: Workshop summary
On September 22, 2014, the Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Population Health Improvement ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of senior living community professionals in preventing suicide
This sheet provides information to help professionals in senior living communities recognize an...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Positive youth development: Using strengths to address alcohol abuse and suicide among American Indian and Alaska Native youth
This information brief introduces prevention practitioners to the positive youth development fr...
Guidelines/Recommendations , Report

Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention: A Theoretical Model and Review of the empirical literature
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Racial and gender disparities in suicide among young adults aged 18–24: United States, 2009–2013
This NCHS Health E-Stat examines suicide rates and methods among young adults aged 18–24, by ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
QuickStats: Age-adjusted rates for suicide, by urbanization of county of residence — United States, 2004 and 2013
This bar chart shows the age-adjusted suicide rate from 2004 to 2013 increased in all county ur...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Combinations of types of mental health services received in the past year among young adults
This short document reports utilizes 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data t...

Racial/ethnic differences in mental health service use among adults
This chartbook presents estimates of mental health service use by adults aged 18 or older from ...

Suicide and Suicidal Attempts in the United States: Costs and Policy Implications
This article summarizes data on the economic costs of suicide and suicide attempts as well as t...
First responders' trauma intervention resource toolkit
This toolkit describes the incidence of PTSD correlated with suicide among first responders. It...

Reformulating suicide risk formulation: From prediction to prevention
Defense strategy for suicide prevention (DSSP)
The DSSP is aligned with the 2012 National Strategy (NSSP) tailored to meet the unique needs of...
CJCA toolkit: Reducing the use of isolation
Subjecting developing adolescents to isolation can cause permanent psychological damage and mul...

Best practice guidelines for balancing program fidelity & adaptation
Video/Audio Recording

Eliminating stigma faced by peer support staff
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Tips to reduce negative attitudes faced by peer support staff
Peer support staff are individuals in recovery from a mental illness and/or substance use disor...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Leveraging the lived experience of peer support staff in behavioral health
Peer support staff are individuals in recovery from a mental illness and/or substance use disor...
Adults newly exposed to "Know the Signs" campaign report greater gains in confidence to intervene with those who might be at risk for suicide than those unexposed to the campaign
This report presents results of a one-year follow-up to a survey on Know the Signs, a Californi...
Analysis of the benefits and costs of CalMHSA's investment in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
This report estimates the possible reductions in suicide attempts resulting from investment in ...

Leaving a Legacy: Translating SPRC’s Sustainability Recommendations into Action
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Suicide: Facts at a glance 2015
This fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presents suicide-related da...
Resource List/Bibliography

Resources for Suicide Postvention Planning
This SPRC resource lists postvention resources, including information appropriate for particula...
Guidelines/Recommendations , Resource List/Bibliography

Framework for successful messaging: Guidelines topic list
This directory includes communications resources for specific goals, channels, audiences, and c...

Re-engineered Discharge (RED) Toolkit
This toolkit describes 12 mutually reinforcing actions that hospitals undertake during and afte...

The role of peer support services in caring for those at risk of suicide
This webinar explains the role of embedding lived experience into the Zero Suicide initiative a...
U.S. Census Bureau Profile America facts for features: American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month: November 2015
This web page provides data on American Indians and Alaska Natives, including demographic and h...
Each Mind Matters: California's Mental Health Movement
Information and personal stories on mental health and suicide prevention and links to resources...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Mental Health in Youth and Young Adults
Presents basic information about mental health in youth and young adults in New Mexico.
Manual , Resource List/Bibliography
NYC Guide to Suicide Prevention, Services and Resources
This guide provides key linkages to resources, tools, research, and support services. It is des...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide and Self Inflicted Injuries
Data on suicides and self-inflicted injuries in New York State.
Oregon Healthy Teen Survey
Oregon Healthy Teen Survey results from 2001 to 2015 and Youth Risk Behavior Survey results fro...
South Dakota Department of Social Services Prevention Program Five Year Strategic Plan (2015 – 2020)
The five-year strategic plan for 2015 – 2020 for the South Dakota Department of Social Servic...

Caring for adult patients with suicide risk: A consensus guide for emergency departments
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Surveillance success stories - Kentucky

How to talk to a child about a suicide attempt in your family
This guide is intended to provide support and share resources that may be helpful if there has ...
CDC epi-aid report on youth suicide in Fairfax county
Responding to a possible suicide cluster of youth suicides (7 deaths over 3 years) the CDC cond...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Teen depression
Discusses the prevalence of depression, the difference between depression and sadness, signs an...
Texas suicide safer schools
This report is designed to assist Texas educators to know the incidence of youth suicide and to...
Required New Teacher Training: Available Suicide Prevention and Intervention Training Programs
A list of suicide prevention and intervention trainings that can serve as a guide for Indiana g...
Preventing and responding to suicide clusters in American Indian and Alaska Native communities
The purpose of this report is to learn about suicide clusters and responses in tribal communiti...
KnowBullying: Put the power to prevent bullying in your hand
Bullying is a risk factors for suicide ideation, suicidal behavior and suicide. This mobile app...
CSTE tribal epidemiology toolkit: Improving data quality and data sharing with Indian country
This toolkit of resources and best practices was created to help facilitate data sharing and li...

Suicide Prevention among LGBT Youth: A Workshop for Professionals Who Serve Youth
Suicide Prevention among LGBT Youth: A Workshop for Professionals Who Serve Youth, dev...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
An introduction to co-occurring borderline personality disorder and substance use disorders in brief
Although the main focus of this fact sheet is the co-occurrence of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)...

Suicide Prevention and the Clinical Workforce: Guidelines for Training
These guidelines address how to create suicide prevention training programs for various health ...
Program/Practice , Manual , Toolkit
A Guide to Using Facebook to Promote Suicide Prevention and Mental Illness Stigma Reduction
A Guide to Using Facebook to Promote Suicide Prevention and Mental Illness St...

Faith.Hope.Life. is an initiative of the Faith Communities Task Force of the National Action Al...
Program/Practice , Guidelines/Recommendations , Manual
Manual for Support Groups for Suicide Attempt Survivors
PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd Edition)
The PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd E...

The Way Forward: Pathways to hope, recovery, and wellness with insights from lived experience
This guide offers information on how to create a sustainable program for survivors of suicide a...
Guiding their way back: A resource for people who are supporting someone after a suicide attempt
This resource was developed to provide guidance for those providing support to a loved one afte...

Framework for Successful Messaging
This website can help individuals and organizations develop messages about suicide that are str...
Veterans on Campus: Peer Program
Veterans on Campus: Peer Program is a 30-minute, online, interactive gatekeeper and re-integrat...
Family Intervention for Suicide Prevention (FISP)
Networks for Life: An Educator's Role in Youth Suicide Prevention
Networks for Life: An Educator’s Role in Youth Suicide Prevention is a 3-hour t...
LGBTQ on Campus for Students
Kognito LGBTQ on Campus for Students is a 30-minute, online, interactive gatekeep...

A Prioritized Research Agenda For Suicide Prevention: An Action Plan To Save Lives
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide (formerly known as ...
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention is a two-day training program that p...
LGBTQ on Campus for Faculty and Staff
Kognito LGBTQ on Campus for Faculty and Staff is a 30-minute, online, interactive...
Video/Audio Recording
Suicide prevention, intervention and response video series for clergy, pastors, ministers, rabbis and other faith community leaders
This series of five videos for clergy discusses: warning signs and risk factors; how to tell ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Visits to emergency departments for drug-related suicide attempts increased
This report analyzed the increase in emergency department visits by age and found that the over...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Emergency department visits for drug-related suicide attempts among middle-aged adults aged 45-64
This report focused on the 45 to 64 age group, which had the largest increase in emergency depa...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Referenced version - The role of adult correctional officers in preventing suicide
Leading change 2.0: Advancing the behavioral health of the nation, 2015–2018
The strategic plan outlines six strategic initiatives for meeting SAMHSA's mission, new and exi...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Everyone can play a role in the conversation about mental health
Information for faith-based and community leaders
These guidelines provide practical steps faith and community leaders can take in order to promo...
SAMHSA's concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed approach
The purpose of this paper is to develop a working concept of trauma and a trauma-informed appro...
Preventing psychological disorders in service members and their families: An assessment of programs
In spite of the many DoD programs to address adjustment to civilian life and mental and behavio...
Exploring the role of the railroad industry in promoting suicide prevention
This document reports on a forum where executives from U.S. railroad companies came together wi...
Resource List/Bibliography
The suicide prevention movement
This sheet contains a list of resources from which you can learn more about the suicide prevent...
Proposed framework for presenting injury data using ICD-10-CM external cause of injury codes
This report provides background information on ICD-10-CM, a comparison between ICD-9-CM and ICD...
Resource List/Bibliography
Zero suicide in health and behavioral health care resource sheet
This sheet contains resources which provide information about Zero Suicide in health and behavi...
Mayors' resource guide on behavioral health issues
This guide helps ensure that mayors and municipal leaders have the information they need to add...
Resource List/Bibliography
Suicide Postvention as Suicide Prevention
This sheet contains resources from which you can learn more about how suicide postvention can b...

NVDRS: Stories from the frontlines of violent death surveillance
This report uses a storytelling approach to provide an overview of the National Violent Death R...
Culture and community: Suicide prevention resources for Native Americans in California
This document describes culturally relevant resources to help you plan and engage in suicide pr...
Resource List/Bibliography
The person-centered approach to behavioral health care
This sheet contains resources from which you can learn more about the person-centered approach ...

Social media guidelines for mental health promotion and suicide prevention
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Suicide among college and university students in the United States

Zero Suicide Toolkit

Zero Suicide website
Reframing psychology for the emerging healthcare environment: Recovery curriculum for people with serious mental illnesses and behavioral health disorders
This curriculum is designed to provide psychologists and other mental health professionals with...
IASP special interest group - Postvention (suicide bereavement)
This web page contains a number of postvention resources including a guide to starting a suppor...
HIPAA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health
This guide addresses some of the more frequently asked questions about when it is appropriate u...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping teens with traumatic grief: Tips for caregivers
This tip sheet provides guidance to parents and caregivers on recognizing traumatic grief after...
Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence victimization: National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, United States, 2011
This report examines sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence victimization usi...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

What is Zero Suicide?
Community Guide toolbox
This toolbox is designed to help public health practitioners and community-based organizations ...
Potential Countermeasures to Mitigate Suicides on the Railroad Rights-of-Way
This presentation describes potential measures to prevent suicide in railway stations and along...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Foster care providers: Helping youth at risk of suicide
This SPRC information sheet addresses suicide prevention among youth in foster care.
This article examines firearm suicide and issues that confer risk such as ownership and impulsi...
Suicide among Oregon veterans, 2008-2012
This special report on Suicides among Veterans in Oregon analyzes data from the Oregon Violent ...
Principles of prevention
This 75-90 minute free interactive online course discusses key concepts of primary prevention, ...
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among detained youth
This report examines suicidal thoughts and behaviors among 1,829 youth ages 10 to 18 in the Nor...

Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses
Suicide prevention for LGBTQ2-S discussion list
This is a public listserv to share research, resources and other information, as well as pose q...
Principles of prevention
This course teaches the fundamentals of effective violence prevention methods and incorporates ...
Manual , Video/Audio Recording , Report

Breaking the silence: Suicide prevention in law enforcement
The report was generated through the National Symposium on Law Enforcement Officer Suicide and ...
The elders’ report into preventing indigenous self-harm and youth suicide
This report was developed in response to an unprecedented increase in Indigenous youth self-har...
Parity or disparity: The state of mental health in America 2015
This report offers a collection of data across the 50 states and the District of Columbia, incl...
Plus 65 at the end of the day senior's suicide prevention resource toolkit
This document provides statistics and information related to suicide among older adults.
Depression in the U.S. household population, 2009-2012
This NCHS Data Brief examines both depression and depressive symptom severity in the past two w...
Developing a mentally healthy workplace: A review of the research
This report presents six key areas and strategies for creating mentally healthy workplaces and ...
TIP 57: Trauma-informed care in behavioral health services
This Treatment Improvement Protocol provides evidence-based and best practice information for b...
Suicide risk in adolescents, adults and older adults: Screening
The Task Force concluded that although there was some evidence of effectiveness that screening ...

Training resource guide for suicide prevention in primary care settings
Expert recommendations for U.S. research priorities in suicide prevention
This supplement to American Journal of Preventive Medicine represents a subset of presentations...

Building the evaluation capacity of local programs serving American Indian/Alaska Native populations: Lessons learned
Preventing suicide: A global imperative
This first of its kind WHO report aims to increase awareness of the public health significance ...
Addressing the specific behavioral health needs of men: Quick guide for clinicians based on TIP 56
Equips clinicians with practical guidance to address the needs of men in recovery. Addresses sc...
Resource List/Bibliography
Information and support after a suicide attempt: A Department of Veterans Affairs resource guide for family members of veterans who are coping with suicidality
This brief guide is designed to provide Veterans, their families, and VA care providers with re...

Suicide in late life: Unique factors and enduring treatment gaps

Community readiness for community change
Video/Audio Recording

A voice at the table
This documentary highlights the need for the voices of individuals with lived experience to inf...

Suicide risk categorisation of psychiatric inpatients: What it might mean and why it is of no use
This article presents study findings suggesting that the methods used to categorize suicide ris...

Zero Suicide Toolkit: Identify and Assess Patients for Suicide Risk
This section of the toolkit provides information on screening and risk formulation with the go...

Zero Suicide Toolkit: Safe Care Transitions
This section of the toolkit provides information and resources addressing safe transitions in c...
Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental health findings and detailed tables
This report presents results pertaining to mental health from the 2013 NSDUH, an annual survey...

Zero Suicide Toolkit: Train—Develop a competent, confident, caring workforce
This section of the toolkit provides information and resources on how to assess staff skills an...
Your Voice Counts
A searchable resource containing all of the materials from California’s Know the Signs suicid...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Adolescent Suicide in Colorado, 2008 - 2012
Describes the issue of adolescent suicide in Colorado by using the NVDRS surveillance data.
A practitioner's resource guide: Helping families to support their LGBT children
This resource guide offers information and resources to help practitioners throughout health an...

RAND Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit
Community Planning Guide: Assisting Communities in Building a Stronger EMS System
This guide is a step-by-step plan on how to evaluate the role of EMS in one’s community.
Work and suicide prevention position statement
This position statement seeks to address the significant gaps exist in the understanding of the...
Help a friend in need
Help A Friend In Need is a community guide for Facebook users to help college students and youn...
Suicide Detection and Prevention in Jails
Online training course for Texas peace officers and jailers. Eight hours long and costs $45.
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Connecting the dots: An overview of the links among multiple forms of violence
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Illinois data sheets
These data sheets describe circumstances around suicide by age and among adolescent and young a...
Developing a research strategy for suicide prevention in the Department of Defense: Status of current research, prioritizing areas of need, and recommendations for moving forward
In response to the elevated rate of suicide among U.S. service members, a congressionally manda...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of adult correctional officers in preventing suicide
This brief sheet provides basic information to help correctional officers in facilities for adu...
Burden of suicide in Wisconsin
This 2014 report includes updated data from the Wisconsin Violent Death Reporting System (WVDRS...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Illinois issue papers
Illinois gatekeeper evaluation reports
These evaluation reports describe before and after survey results among K-12 staff and campus f...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Suicide Screening and Assessment
This SPRC resource presents two approaches to evaluating suicide risk and links to resources.
Program/Practice , Guidelines/Recommendations , Manual

Pathways to Purpose and Hope
Behavioral health, United States, 2012
This report represents the last and most comprehensive in a 25 year long series reporting on na...
Creating Suicide Safety in Schools
Best practices in American Indian & Alaska Native public health
This report was written to illuminate the situation, response and impact of Tribal Epidemiology...
Journey to Wellness
Journey to Wellness (J2W) is an eight-week wellness program for American Indian y...
Resource List/Bibliography

Juvenile justice suicide prevention resources
The Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Task Force, established in June 2011, com...

Kognito At-Risk in Primary Care
The FIRE Within: Youth Entrepreneurs Preventing Suicide
ASK about Suicide to Save a Life
ASK about Suicide to Save a Life is a 1.5 to 4-hour workshop for adults who inter...
Step In, Speak Up!: Supporting LGBTQ Students
Kognito Step In, Speak Up!:Supporting LGBTQ Students is a 25-minute, online, inte...
Manual , Video/Audio Recording , Program/Practice
Saving Our Lives: Preventing Suicide in Transgender Communities Video and Discussion Guide
Saving Our Lives: Preventing Suicide in Transgender Communities Video and Discussion Guide<...
Assessing suicide risk: Initial tips for counselors
This wallet-sized card describes a brief assessment process to determine if a client may be sui...
Video/Audio Recording

Firefighters coping with the aftermath of suicide
This video explores the effect of suicide on firefighters and first responders.
Developed by Erika’s Lighthouse, Real Teenagers Talking about Depression: A Video-Ba...
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop is a 1-hour interactive workshop for middle school, hig...
Suicide and Aging: A Gatekeeper's Workshop
Offered by the Samaritans of Merrimack Valley, MA, Suicide and Aging: A Gatekeeper’s...

Shield of Care: A System-Focused Approach to Protecting Juvenile Justice Youth from Suicide
Developed by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) a...
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) for Nurses
Developed by QPR Institute,Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) for Nurses is a 3- to ...
Program/Practice , Toolkit
Just Talk About It: Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Please note that the CONTACT Crisis Line ceased operation on 12/31/14. To our knowl...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors: Black Populations
This fact sheet presents information on risk and protective factors in Black populations.
<...Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors: American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
This fact sheet presents information on risk and protective factors in American Indian and Alas...

Connectedness & Suicide Prevention in College Settings
Focus on firearm safety: Resource guide
This resource guide on provides state Maternal and Child Health and Injury and Violence Prevent...
Know the signs
Know the Signs is a California-wide suicide prevention social marketing campaign built on three...

Understanding evidence
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Positive Mental Health: Resilience
The intersection of suicide research and public health practice: Youth suicide prevention
This webinar took place on March 13, 2013. The webinar is designed for researchers and state or...
The intersection of suicide research and public health practice: Suicide and veterans
The Intersection of Suicide Research and Public Health Practice: Suicide and Veterans,...
The intersection of suicide research and public health practice: Laying the foundation for partnership
This first webinar in a webinar and conference call series from the Injury Control Research Cen...
Interventions for the prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in adults after exposure to psychological trauma
This review compares the efficacy, effectiveness, and harms of psychological, pharmacological, ...
Suicide prevention data center (SPDC)
This website provides access to portions of data collected during cross-site evaluations of gra...
National expenditures for mental health services and substance abuse treatment, 1986-2009
This report presents estimates and analyses from 1986 through 2009 on expenditures from mental ...
One voice, one community: Building strong and effective partnerships among community and faith organizations
This guide offers communities strategies for developing partnerships with faith-based organizat...
Medicaid handbook: Interface with behavioral health services
This guide reviews Medicaid and its role in financing services and treatment for mental health ...
Suicide prevention strategies and resources to improve services for service members, veterans, and their families
Originally presented July 30, 2013, this webinar provides an overview of the risk and protectiv...
Psychological and pharmacological treatments for adults with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The purpose of this review is to assess efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and harms of ps yc...

A Manager's Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace: 10 Action Steps for Dealing with the Aftermath of Suicide
TIP 55: Behavioral health services for people who are homeless
This guide equips those who provide services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessn...
TAP 33: Systems-level implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT)
Describes core elements of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) pro...
National Recovery Month homepage
National Recovery Month occurs in September each year. It promotes the societal benefits of pr...
Get ready for the health insurance marketplace
This online toolkit to help behavioral health organizations prepare for open enrollment. It exp...
Measuring associations between symptoms of depression and suicide in adolescence and unhealthy romantic relationships in young adulthood
Child Trends analyzed data from 6,763 heterosexual adults who completed all three waves of the ...
Leaving a legacy: Recommendations for sustaining suicide prevention programs
In 2012, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) asked the Suici...
Behavioral health United States, 2012
Behavioral Health, United States, 2012, provides in-depth information about the behavioral heal...
Media guidelines for bullying prevention
These guidelines for bullying prevention were developed in partnership with a wide range of beh...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors: White Populations
This fact sheet presents information on risk and protective factors in White populations.

Continuity of Care for Suicide Prevention: The Role of Emergency Departments

SPRC substance abuse and suicide prevention collaboration continuum
Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiatives by Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act Grantees
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) supports campuses, state...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors in Racial/Ethnic Populations in the U.S.

VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide
Priorities for research to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence
Responding to an executive order issued by the president, the CDC commissioned the Institute of...
Trauma-informed approaches: Federal activities and initiatives
This report documents the projects, programs, and initiatives of more than three dozen federal ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of law enforcement officers in preventing suicide
This sheet provides basic information to help law enforcement officers recognize and respond to...
2013 Austin AAS conference videos
This collection of YouTube video interviews of national (and international) leaders in suicide ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicidal thoughts among Asians, Native Hawaiians, or Other Pacific Islanders
This NSDUH Report Data Spotlight compares suicide ideation, plans and attempts among Asians, Na...

Identifying promising partners

Suicide among adults aged 35–64 years, United States, 1999–2010
This CDC data report (MMWR) highlights recent 28% increase in suicide rates among adults betwe...
Suicide contagion & suicide clusters
This brief article defines and describes suicide contagion and suicide clusters in the context ...
Indian Health Service’s TeleBehavioral Health Center for Excellence announces an eight-part series on: Suicide Training: Operation S.A.V.E (gatekeeper), Risk Assessment, and Safety Planning
Indian Health Service’s TeleBehavioral Health Center for Excellence announces an eight-part s...

It’s time to talk about it: A family guide for youth suicide prevention
Sequestration: The impact on the most at-risk population – Native youth
Describes the impact of cuts to federal programs serving native youth as a result of sequestra...
Preventing firearm injury and death
This webpage features collected resources related to prevention strategies addressing firearm i...
PTSD clinical support tools
These clinical support tools are intended to help providers comply with the VA/DoD Clinical Pra...
Assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide
The guideline describes the critical decision points in the management of Suicidal Risk Behavio...
The academic opportunity costs of substance use during college
This report sheds light on the research linking excessive alcohol and drug use during college t...
Center for Deployment Psychology
The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) was created in order to prepare health care professi...
Responding to a cry for help: Best practices for online technologies
These resources were developed for organizations with an online presence such as a website, blo...
Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, Evaluation findings, Annual report to Congress, 2011
The Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, als...

Guide to evidence-based prevention
This document provides an overview of evidence-based prevention, types of evidence, and limitat...

Assessing partnership readiness worksheet

Collaboration readiness checklist
Self-harm and suicide prevention, intervention & postvention: Lessons from North America
This fellowship project involved site visits to programs in North America located at hospitals,...
Launched in mid-2013, this website serves as a portal for mental health information and help re...

Creating a Partnership Memorandum of Understanding
This worksheet lists criteria for you to consider when creating a memorandum of understanding (...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Nurturing change: State strategies for improving infant and early childhood mental health
This brief summarizes recommendations for policy improvements in a report generated through an ...
How can we prevent premature death and injury
Shared risks contribute to premature deaths among youth and young adults due to suicide, homici...

Crosswalk of suicide prevention and substance abuse
This table lists common concepts and definitions used in the fields of substance abuse preventi...

Expertise and resources: What does the collaborative effort need?

Form for soliciting feedback from partners unable to attend visioning meeting

Member Retention/Participation Tip Sheet: The Six R’s of Participation

Model invitation letter to visioning meeting

Model partnership commitment letter

Researching prospective partners

Tasks for your initial collaboration meeting

Tips for conflict management
When helping hurts: Self-care strategies for refugee community leaders & service
This webinar focuses on individual and collective reactions to trauma, resilience, compassion f...

Unsticking stuck groups: Reassessing the collaboration – A questionnaire for partners
People recover (educational comic book: co-occurring disorders)
This resource uses a comic book format to tell the story of people who are dealing with co-occu...
Resource List/Bibliography , Website
New Hampshire Health Data Inventory
The Health Data Inventory is a website that provides information about New Hampshire state heal...
The Burden of Suicide in North Carolina
This report provides an overview of the public health burden of suicide and self-inflicted inju...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Texas Fact Sheets for Suicide Prevention
Webpage with links to fact sheets on suicide prevention topics
Umatter: U Can Get Help
This suicide prevention website has basic information in a youth-friendly format and style and ...
Suicide prevention communication checklist
This checklist is intended for use by mental health professionals to communicate with family me...

Crafting an effective communication strategy for your partnership
This set of worksheets will help you assess stakeholders and develop a communication strategy t...
Toolkit for community conversations about mental health
This toolkit includes three components.
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of co-workers in preventing suicide
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of managers in preventing suicide
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of emergency medical services providers in preventing suicide
This brief sheet provides basic information to help EMS providers recognize and respond to peop...
Cultural and linguistic competence toolkit
This toolkit is based on a model of three interconnected arches: organizational structure, enga...
Safety plan quick guide for clinicians: Veterans version
Pocket guide to developing a safety plan, a prioritized written list of coping strategies and s...
Returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan: Readjustment needs of veterans, service members, and their families
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been the longest sustained U.S. military operations since...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide among youth
This tip sheet provides an overview of youth suicide and recommendations for safe reporting
...Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors: Hispanic Populations
This fact sheet presents information on risk and protective factors in Hispanic populations.
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Risk and Protective Factors: Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Populations
This fact sheet presents information on risk and protective factors in Asian, Native Hawaiian, ...
Experiential Training in the Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE Approach)
Developed by the Training Institute for Suicide Assessment & Clinical Interviewing (TISA), ...
At-Risk for Middle School Educators
Kognito At-Risk for Middle School Educators is a 50-minute, online, interact...

Comprehensive Blueprint For Workplace Suicide Prevention
This website discusses a comprehensive approach to workplace suicide prevention and presents re...
Online Counseling and Suicide Intervention Specialist
Developed by QPR Institute, OnlineCounseling and Suici...
Break Free from Depression: A 4-Session Curriculum Addressing Adolescent Depression
Developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, Break Free from Depression is a s...
Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT)
Connect Youth Leaders: Partnering with Adults in Youth Suicide Prevention
Developed by NAMI NH, Youth Leaders is a two-day training for youth leaders ...
Improving Mood--Promoting Access to Collaborative Treatment (IMPACT)
QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention
Kognito Family of Heroes
Attitudes toward mental illness: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
This collaborative study by the CDC and others examined public perceptions regarding whether tr...
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) for Law Enforcement
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) for Law Enforcement is a 90-minute online certifi...
Kognito At-Risk for College Students
Kognito At-Risk for High School Educators

In Harm’s Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention
In Harm’s Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention is an eight-hour train-the-tr...
Video/Audio Recording

Suicide in the workplace
While most who die by suicide are of working age, workplaces are often unprepared to assist emp...
Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan 2012 - 2017
This plan serves as a guide for reducing the eight leading causes of injury in Hawai‘i, which...
Model Adolescent Suicide Prevention Program (MASPP)
LEADS: For Youth (Linking Education and Awareness of Depression and Suicide)
An Executive Summary of A History of Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Efforts in Colorado
Executive summary of a narrative, historical report which begins with suicide prevention effort...
Suicide Prevention Plan for Michigan Evaluation
Evaluation of The Suicide Prevention Plan for Michigan after six years of implementati...
A Resource Guide for Families Dealing with Mental Illness
This guide provides information for families who have a relative with mental illness. It descri...
Adolescent Suicide Report: A Data Overview and Prevention Activities Report on Youth Suicide in New Jersey
Provides an overview of the adolescent suicide data and prevention activities in New Jersey.
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

The role of faith community leaders in preventing suicide
Interventions to prevent suicide: A literature review to guide evaluation of California's mental health prevention and early intervention initiative
A number of prevention and early intervention initiatives aim to reduce the incidence of suicid...
Ohio Interagency Task Force on Mental Health and Juvenile Justice, Progress Report
The September 2012 report with recommendations calls for a system of care in which all the syst...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Diversity & suicidal behavior
This fact sheet was designed to assist mental health clinicians when assessing and managing sui...
Suicides in Oregon: Trends and Risk Factors – 2012 Report
Report containing data trends and risk factors for suicide in Oregon.
PowerPoint slides from the keynote addresses and skill development workshops at the annual STAR...

Youth Suicide Prevention Referral and Tracking Toolkit
Report on Suicide in Wyoming
This report provides information on the problem of suicide in Wyoming and recommends a set of i...
Life is Sacred Actionable Knowledge Product Suite
The Life Is Sacred (LIS) Native Youth Suicide Prevention Materials include the Life is Sacred F...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Putting knowledge into action to prevent violence
One of a series of actionable knowledge briefs to help integrate research into suicide preventi...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: A public health issue
One of a series of actionable knowledge briefs to help integrate research into suicide preventi...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Preventing suicide through connectedness
This knowledge brief discusses connectedness as a protective factor against suicide.
This document outlines best practices for suicide loss and suicide attempt survivors who are co...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
This fact sheet describes the extent of suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and tra...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Preventing suicidal behavior among youth in foster care
This fact sheet describes the extent of suicidal behavior among youth in foster care, including...

Suicide Prevention and Two-Spirited People
Parity for patriots: The mental health needs of military personnel, veterans and their families
This report calls for Purple Heart medals to be awarded for psychological wounds like posttraum...

Preventing suicide: A toolkit for high schools
This toolkit provides information on how to reduce suicide risk among high school students.
...Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Emergency department visits for drug-related suicide attempts among males: 2004 to 2009
This DAWN Report Data Spotlight features a chart showing that ED visits for drug-related suicid...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Major depressive episode among full-time college students and other young adults, aged 18 to 22
This issue of The NSDUH Report focuses on the prevalence of past year major depressive...
Characteristics of suicide among Alaska Native and Alaska non-Native people, 2003–2008
This report presents information on the epidemiology of suicide among Alaska Native and Alaska ...

Public Health Action for the Prevention of Suicide: A Framework
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Beneath the smile: A women's suicide prevention toolkit
This brief document lists and describes risk and protective factors for suicide among women. ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
RESPECT-Mil (Re-Engineering Systems of Primary Care Treatment in the Military)
RESPECT-Mil is a treatment model designed by the United States Department of Defenses’ Deploy...
Psychological health and traumatic brain injury
This special issue of Military Medicine highlights the recent progress made in the epi...
CNS clinical trials: Suicidality and data collection: Workshop summary
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that all clinical trials for drugs that aff...
A Profile of Urban Indian Health Organization Programming to Support Behavioral Health
This report documents the critical services available at Urban Indian Health Organizations (UIH...
Addressing Depression Among American Indians and Alaska Natives: A Literature Review
The purpose of this report is to highlight and review literature, programs and activities focus...

Balancing safety and support on campus: A guide for campus teams
This guide summarizes the existing literature on campus teams and suggests some of the key issu...
Suicide risk factors and risk assessment tools: A systematic review
The objective of this report is to review recent evidence about risk factors and risk assessmen...
Data-based planning for effective prevention: State epidemiological outcomes workgroups
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Pr...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicidal thoughts and behavior in 33 metropolitan statistical areas: 2008 to 2010
This issue of The NSDUH Report presents estimates of serious suicidal thought, suicidal plannin...

Older Americans Behavioral Health Issue Brief 4: Preventing suicide in older adults
This issue brief is intended to help health care and social service organizations develop strat...
Understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and intersex youth
Presenters discuss the importance of changing perceptions, practices, and culture to address th...
An investigation into suicides among Bhutanese refugees in the US, 2009 – 2012: Stakeholders report
From February 2009 to February 2012, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the United Sta...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Behavioral Health Issues among Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. War Veterans
This fact sheet introduces some of the behavioral health problems facing Veterans who have serv...
Barriers and facilitators to mental health help-seeking for young elite athletes: A qualitative study
This study involved fifteen elite athletes aged 16–23 years who participated in one of three ...
Coming Home: Supporting Military Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families
Describes the challenges facing military personnel, veterans, and their families, the mental he...
Playing through the pain: Psychiatric risks among athletes
Authors discuss athletes’ psychiatric risks after injury; expression of pain; risks of having...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: Facts for parents
This brief sheet provides information for parents on suicide among high school students and how...
Suicide prevention: Not another life to lose
This is a special issue of National Council Magazine, produced by the National Council for Beha...
California study on media adherence to national consensus recommendations for reporting on suicide
The California Suicide Prevention Social Marketing Project aims to improve reporting on suicide...
Stories of hope and recovery: A video guide for suicide attempt survivors
This collection of videos features inspiring stories from three people who survived an attempte...
Suicide prevention in juvenile correctional facilities
This two-part webinar series guides juvenile justice administrators and staff in creating and i...
Strategic planning for campus suicide prevention
Part of the campus training program for new GLS campus grantees, this webinar guides grantees t...
Community provider toolkit
Developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, this online community provider toolkit is...
Suicide grief support quick reference
This tool was developed by the Lifeline Consumer-Survivor Subcommittee and is designed to provi...

Policies and protocols addressing the needs of youths who have attempted or are considering suicide
This Lessons Learned Working Group document summarizes recommendations for developing protocols...

Suicide data report, 2012
Program evaluation guide
This guide provides information and instructions on methodical, practical and efficient program...
THRIVE media campaign suicide prevention materials
The THRIVE media campaign provides free suicide prevention posters and a fact sheet geared towa...
College students speak: A survey report on mental health
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) conducted a national survey of college students ...
Making headlines: A guide to engaging the media in suicide prevention in California
This guide provides people engaged in suicide prevention with the tools necessary to serve as e...

‘Walk softly and listen carefully’: Building research relationships with tribal communities.
Style guide: Reporting on mental health
This style guide notes ways in which newsrooms can present a more accurate picture of mental il...
Prevention and Public Health Fund: Activities funded in fiscal years 2010 and 2011
The Prevention and Public Health Fund was established in March, 2010. This document reports o...
Essential questions on suicide bereavement and postvention
This article discusses key questions about suicide bereavement and postvention as it is now and...
An integrated framework for assessing the value of community-based prevention
This report provides a framework for assessing the value of community-based, non-clinical preve...
NFL life line
The NFL Life Line is a free, confidential, and independently operated resource that connects ca...
Supporting infants, toddlers and families impacted by caregiver mental health problems, substance abuse, and trauma: A community action guide
Recent research indicates that adverse childhood experiences such as caregiver mental health is...
Understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by LGBTQI youth in schools and communities
This webinar presents an overview of the challenges that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Q...
Suicide in rural and remote areas of Australia
This report presents a holistic examination of suicide in regional and remote Australia. It pre...
Breaking the silence in the workplace: A guide for employers on responding to suicide in the workplace
This guide is designed for employers and helps organizations to increase their understanding an...

Upstream youth suicide prevention expert panel meeting summary
The coordination & integration of fatality reviews: Improving health & safety outcomes across the life course
This document reports on a meeting convened in Washington DC to identify opportunities and chal...
iDigInfo: Military suicide research repository
iDigInfo is the Military Suicide Research Consortium's collection of research articles concerni...
IASP News Bulletin, October/November, 2012
This issue features an opinion piece by president Lanny Berman discussing correlates of suicide...

Recommendations for School-Based Suicide Prevention Screening
At-Risk in the ED
Kognito At-Risk in the ED is a one-hour, online, interactive training simulation ...
Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy (DDP)
LifeSavers Training
LifeSavers Training is a three-day suicide and crisis prevention program that tra...
Survivor Voices: Sharing the Story of Suicide Loss
Survivor Voices: Sharing the Story of Suicide Loss is a two-day training designed to teach thos...
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength, a universal suicide prevention program, is designed to build protective in...
How Not To Keep A Secret
Developed by Youth Health Connection (YHC), How Not To Keep A Secret (HNTKAS...
Preventing suicide on college campuses
This issue of SAMHSA news features a cover story and related articles on the topic of preventin...
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum is an interactive classroom-based suicid...
Safety Plan Treatment Manual to Reduce Suicide Risk: Veteran Version
Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Created by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH), the Late Life ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Memorials: Special considerations when memorializing an incident
This fact sheet was adapted from Memorial activities at school: A list of “do’s” and ...
Suicide Prevention Training for Gatekeepers of Older Adults
Offered by the Samaritans of Merrimack Valley, MA, a program of Family Service, Inc., the Suici...

Adolescent Suicide Prevention Program Manual: A Public Health Model for Native American Communities
Medications and Suicidality Resource Center
The Medications and Suicidality Resource Center includes tools to identify medications that hav...
Treating the invisible wounds of war
This series of three online courses series is designed to assist primary care physicians, case ...
Suicide prevention dialogue with consumers and survivors: From pain to promise
This report recaps a meeting involving survivors of suicide attempts, health care professionals...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide and bullying: Issue brief
This issue brief examines the relationship between suicide and bullying among children and adol...
Self-directed violence surveillance: Uniform definitions and recommended data elements
To address the current lack of a uniform definition on fatal and nonfatal self-harm, the CDC de...

Suicide among refugees: Understanding the social and cultural context for prevention strategies
Recommendations for: Youth suicide prevention training for early identification and referral (gatekeeper training)
These recommendations were developed for SAMHSA grantees and others interested in implementing ...
Suicide threats on social networking sites
With more people using Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, there has been an increase in the incide...
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Toolkit
This toolkit is a comprehensive resource for primary care providers working with service member...
Bullying and youth suicide: Breaking the connection
This article in the publication, Principal Leadership, discusses the link between bullying and ...
Suicide in the U.S.: Finding pathways to prevention
This videocast of a discussion panel convened by the National Institute of Mental Health in obs...
Access to mental health services at Indian Health Service (IHS) and tribal facilities
At the request of Congress the DHHS Office of Inspector General (IOG) conducted an evaluation o...
Resource List/Bibliography
Measuring bullying victimization, perpetration, and bystander experiences: A compendium of assessment tools
This compendium provides researchers, prevention specialists, and health educators with tools t...
Preventing Suicide: A resource for suicide case registration
The aim of this publication is to provide a resource on how to establish or improve registratio...
Self-harm: Longer-term management
This UK guideline follows on from 'Self-harm: the short-term physical and psychological managem...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping children and youth who have experienced traumatic events: Mental Health Awareness Day, May 3, 2011
This fact sheet explains how traumatic events can affect children’s well-being and behavior a...

Suicide care in systems framework
This report represents the findings and recommendations of the Clinical Care and Intervention T...
Editors’ code of practice
This set of guidelines that is widely used in the UK concerns ethical considerations in repor...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Urban Indian Health Centers resource guide 2: Formalizing partnerships through MOAs
Break the silence for suicide attempt survivors
This TED Talk features J.D. Schramm relating the story of his suicide attempt as a way to encou...
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 summary report
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is an ongoing, nationally representati...

The health communicator’s social media toolkit
Developing an effective evaluation plan: Setting the course for effective program evaluation
The purpose of this workbook is to help public health program managers, administrators, and eva...
Peer involvement in campus-based suicide prevention: Key considerations
This document was created to guide the process of involving peers in suicide prevention program...
The war within: Preventing suicide in the U.S. military
This review of the current evidence details suicide epidemiology in the military, identifies ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Using practice-based evidence to complement evidence-based practice in children's behavioral health

Identifying priority problems and setting goals on campus
Counselor/Psychology faculty member discusses priority mental health and help-seeking problems ...

Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

Recommendations for reporting on suicide (Spanish, German, and French)

Campus MHAP: A guide to campus mental health action planning
Mississippi Department of Mental Health FY 2011 State Plan Implementation Report
A report detailing the implementation plan for the services for children with serious emotional...

Guiding principles to suicide prevention in correctional facilities
These principles provide ongoing measures to ensure inmates with and without apparent risk are ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Rhode Island Child Death Review Team Youth Suicide Issue Brief (2005-2010)
This issue brief includes data on deaths in Rhode Island for young people up to age 25, informa...
Washington State Mental Health Transformation Project - Measures of Statewide Performance for Washington State
This report presents data for monitoring the performance of the statewide system of care for in...
A Profile of Suicide on Guam
This report contains data on suicide deaths, ideation, and attempts and related risk factors fo...
Suicide Prevention Multicultural Competence Kit
Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk in Primary Care (RRSR—PC)
S.A.V.E.: VA Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention Education for Teachers and Other School Personnel
School Suicide Prevention Accreditation
QPRT Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Training
Student Support Network

Working Minds: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
Gryphon Place Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program-A Middle School Curriculum
Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: Essential Skills for Clinicians
Emergency Department Means Restriction Education
Towards good practice: Standards and guidelines for suicide bereavement support group
Towards Good Practice: Standards and Guidelines for Suicide Bereavement Support Groups was deve...
Army ACE Suicide Intervention Program
The Army ACE Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI) Program is a three-hour training that provi...
Program/Practice , Video/Audio Recording
More Than Sad: Teen Depression
Developed by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), More Than Sad: Teen Dep...
Postvention standards manual: A guide for a school's response in the aftermath of a sudden death
The following manuals are undergoing revisions and will be made available as soon as they h...
In the wake of trauma: Tips for college students
Flyer with tips for self-care after a traumatic event. Includes helpful resources, treatment lo...
The Wisconsin components of school-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention model
Outlines essential components, and provides guidelines and procedures for schools to follow for...
Community-based suicide postvention guidelines for Wisconsin
Community-based model of suicide prevention, intervention and postvention for Wisconsin.
Mental illness and families of faith: How congregations can respond
This resource/study guide is designed to be used with clergy, members of congregations, family ...
It takes a community: Report on the Summit on Opportunities for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention in Senior Living Communities
Report of the "It Takes a Community" summit, convened in October 2008 to advance discussion and...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping families support their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) children
This practice brief was developed for families, caretakers, advocates, and providers to provide...
Understanding student reactions to the anniversary date of a peer's death
This document prepares school staff to talk with adolescents about reactions they may experienc...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
When a student seems dangerous to self or others
This one-page information sheet provides specific guidance to schools on how to respond when a ...
Save a Friend: Tips for Teens to Prevent Suicide
This webpage discusses risk factors related to traumatic events, warning signs for suicide amon...
Youth suicide prevention: Analysis and summaries of FY09 state MCH plans for National Performance Measure #16
Analysis and summary of state Maternal and Child Health plans on youth suicide prevention.
The media monitoring project - Changes in media reporting of suicide in Australia 2000/01-2006/07
The Media Monitoring Project involved a systematic investigation of whether there have been cha...

To Live to See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian and Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults
The purpose of this guide is to support AI/AN communities and those who serve them in developin...

Partnership for Workplace Mental Health
This website was created by an alliance of the American Psychiatric Association, corporate spon...
Surveillance for violent deaths - National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 States, 2007
MMWR. May 14, 2010; 59(04);1-50. This report is the third summary of data from the National Vio...
Lifeline Online Postvention Manual
The recommendations in this manual detail how to safely memorialize someone who has died by sui...

Preventing suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: Developing LGBT cultural competence
Lists criteria for agencies, schools and the individuals who work for them to assess LGBT cultu...

Promoting emotional health and preventing suicide: A toolkit for senior living communities
This toolkit contains resources to help staff in senior living communities promote emotional he...
The challenge and the promise: Strengthening the force, preventing suicide and saving lives
The Department of Defense Suicide Prevention Task Force on the Prevention of Suicide by Members...
Urban American Indian and Alaska Native health indicator graphs
This PowerPoint presentation includes graphs from select Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) r...
Suicide prevention
This publication outlines what steps servicemembers can take to help themselves or others who m...
Disaster mental health intervention field guide
This brief guide is geared toward first responders so that they can provide emergency mental he...
The 10 by 10 campaign: A national wellness action plan to improve life expectancy by 10 years in 10 years for people with mental illness
This report of the 2007 National Wellness Summit for People with Mental Illness reviews the cur...
Returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan: Preliminary assessment of readjustment needs of veterans, service members, and their families.
Nearly 1.9 million U.S. troops have been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq since October 2001. M...
Provision of mental health counseling services under TRICARE
In this book, the IOM makes recommendations for permitting independent practice for mental heal...
Gulf War and health: Volume 8: Update of health effects of serving in the Gulf War
In this report, the IOM determines that Gulf War service causes post-traumatic stress disorder ...
Video/Audio Recording
Not My Kid: What Every Parent Should Know
Created by The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, Not My Kid: What Parents Should ...
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death is a 170-page m...
National study of jail suicide: 20 years later
In September 2006, the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) entered into a c...
Y-CARE: How to help someone in crisis
This short video describes the acronym Y-CARE a project that encourages individuals to listen, ...
Talking with your adult patients about alcohol, drug, and/or mental health problems: A discussion guide for primary health care providers
This guide will equip primary health care providers with questions to begin discussions with th...
QPR for EMS/Firefighters
This online course covers knowledge and skills that EMS providers and firefighters need in orde...
Should you talk to someone about a drug, alcohol, or mental health problem?
Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a sub...
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Workplace task force
This task force of the Action Alliance is working on suicide prevention in the workplace. Its w...
QPR for businesses and corporations
QPR is centered on the “question, persuade, refer” strategy of suicide prevention training ...
Towards evidence-based suicide prevention programmes
This monograph attempts to set out the basic framework for suicide prevention strategies. It pr...
W.K. Kellogg Foundation evaluation handbook
This publication provides a framework for effective, multidisciplinary evaluation approaches, i...

Rural health information hub (RHIhub): American Indian and Alaska Native Population
This printable map shows the percent of the U.S. population by county who are American Indian o...
Effective tools for communications and leadership in Indian Country
This manual provides tools, tactics and strategies for creating messaging with impact, compelli...
LOOK LISTEN LINK: A Health Curriculum for Middle School
Developed in Washington State, LOOK LISTEN LINK is a curriculum designed for middle school-aged...
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills (RY) is a school-based preven...
At-Risk for University and College Faculty: Identifying and Referring Students in Mental Distress
Kognito At-Risk is a 45-minute interactive, web-based training simulation that gives h...
Developed by mental health professionals and educators with funding from the National Institute...
CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
Developed by Elaine Frank and Mark Ciocca, CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means ...
Lifelines Curriculum
The Lifelines Prevention student curriculum (formerly known as the Lifelines Curri...
Interactive Screening Program
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) Interactive Screening Program
Be A Link Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Developed by Yellow Ribbon, Be A Link! is a two-hour adult gatekeeper training program...
Ask 4 Help Suicide Prevention for Youth
Developed by Yellow Ribbon, Ask 4 Help! is a one-hour high school-based curriculum tha...
Helping Every Living Person (HELP) Depression and Suicide Prevention Curriculum
Developed by Washington State, the Helping Every Living Person: Depression and Suicide Prev...
Native youth suicide prevention program (NYSP) evaluation update
This presentation was delivered at the State and Tribal Suicide Prevention Grantees Meeting, Ja...
Community based participatory research in a tribal community
Presented at the January 2009 grantees conference, this presentation describes community based ...
IHS Suicide Prevention Initiative
This presentation, delivered at the January 2009 grantee meeting describes how the Indian Healt...
Understanding the rise in suicide attempts in Latina teens
This webinar examines the high rate of suicide attempts by adolescent Latinas in the United Sta...
Research that benefits native people: A guide for tribal leaders
American Indians and Alaska Natives are underrepresented in many major data collection efforts ...
GLBTQI mental health: Recommendations for policies and services
This companion* resource guide provides important considerations for service providers and poli...
Issues of Access to and Inclusion in Behavioral Health Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Intersex Consumers
The Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), through contrac...
The 2nd Annual TBI & Suicide Prevention Conference: Safety Planning for People with Brain Injuries
This is a collection of archived PowerPoints, and streaming videos from presentations at the co...
Suicide postvention in the school community
These 51 slides discuss considerations for postvention that involve all school personnel. Topic...
School-based suicide prevention: A matter of life and death
This video is a helpful tool to use with school decision makers regarding the need for school-b...
Suicide clusters and contagion: Recognizing and addressing suicide contagion are essential to successful suicide postvention efforts
This article describes the problem of contagion and the ways that administrators can act to pre...
Call to action to prevent youth suicide
This webpage describes the problem of suicide in youth and the leadership role school psycholog...
Management of mental health emergencies
Emergencies and crises occur in the practice of every mental health clinician, often without wa...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Understanding when your child may be suicidal & how to help
Lists warning signs for suicide in children for parents and how they should respond.
Intended to enhance cultural competence when serving American Indian and Alaska Native communit...
Supportive families, healthy children: Helping families with lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) children
Developed by the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) at SF State University, the Supportive Fam...
Preventing Suicide: A resource for police, firefighters and other first line responders
This resource provides guidance for first responders in managing crisis situations and preventi...
Youth suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention guidelines: A resource for school personnel
This guide describes the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention program....
Suicide prevention for police officers
Police officers deal with twice as many suicides as they do homicides. This booklet looks at wh...
Suicide prevention for behavioral health providers
This booklet describes suicide, suicidal behavior, risk and protective factors as well as recom...
Suicide prevention for consumers and family members
This publication discusses the role of consumers and family members in preventing suicide. It e...
Juvenile suicide in confinement: A national survey
The primary goal of this first national survey on juvenile suicide in confinement was to determ...

Healthy Indian Country Initiative Promising Prevention Practices Resource Guide
The purpose of this resource guide is to highlight the work of the 14 Healthy Indian Country I...
Mental Health First Aid USA
The Mental Health First Aid program is an interactive session which runs 12 hours. It can be co...
Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage SAFE-T Pocket Card
The SAFE-T card guides clinicians through five steps which address the patient's level of suici...

Strategic communication planning: A workbook for Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act state, tribal, and campus grantees
This manual uses the 8-Step Communication Planning Model to provide a blueprint for site-specif...
Traumatic brain injury and suicide: Information and resources for clinicians
Information guide designed to help clinicians and care providers in their work with traumatic b...
Comorbidity: Addiction and other mental illnesses
This article gives an overview of what current research says about comorbidity of drug use dis...
Video/Audio Recording
Podcasts at CDC: Suicide
This collection includes the following podcasts: "Toxicology testing and results for suicide vi...
Teaching transgender : A resource from the National Center for Transgender Equality
This guide for leading effective trainings includes advice about preparing for the training, te...
Surveillance for violent deaths. - National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 states, 2006
MMWR. March 20, 2009; 58(SS01):1-44. This report is the second summary of data from the Nationa...
Consensus statement on suicide and suicide prevention from an interfaith dialogue
This statement was developed at the Interfaith Suicide Prevention Dialogue meeting (March 12-13...
Tennessee's state-wide Gatekeeper training: Preliminary outcomes and lessons learned
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Presents ...
Suicide prevention for deaf/hard of hearing youth
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Describes...
Frameworks/Connect Suicide Prevention Project: Suicide prevention, intervention and postvention for soldiers and family
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Describes...
Preventing teen suicide: A review of school-based strategies
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. This pres...
Maine's approach to school-based suicide prevention
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. This pres...
State and local data sources for suicide prevention
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Discusses...
Working with emergency departments: Expanding crisis center resources and partnerships
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Describes...
Working with emergency departments: New tools and grantee models
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Discusses...
Suicide among Oregon veterans
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. Discusses...
Age-adjusted suicide rates among all persons by state - United States, 2006 (U.S. avg 10.95)
A map of state suicide rates per 100,000 population.
Adding power to our voices: A framing guide for communicating about injury
Includes framing theory, message development techniques and vehicles for explaining public heal...
The role of faith communities in preventing suicide: A report of an Interfaith Suicide Prevention Dialogue
Report of an Interfaith Suicide Prevention Dialogue that was convened by the Suicide Prevention...
Alcohol and suicide among racial/ethnic populations - 17 States, 2005-2006
MMWR. June 19, 2009; 58(23):637-41. This report analyzes data from the National Violent Death R...
Ten leading causes of death and injury (charts)
Color charts of: All causes of deaths by age group; Causes of nonfatal injuries treated in US h...
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act programs: Authorized and appropriated dollars
This list reports authorized and appropriated funding amounts spend by all the Garrett Lee Smit...

Practice guidelines: Core elements for responding to mental health crises
Developed by a diverse expert panel that included individuals with mental illnesses, providers,...
Writing SMART objectives
This brief is about writing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-phased (SMART...
CWLA Best practice guidelines: Serving LGBT youth in out-of-home care
These best practice guidelines provide direction to agencies responsible for the care of LGBT y...
Tool kit for childhood & adolescent anxiety management
This clinical tool kit is intended to assist the PCP in assessing the needs of the child/adoles...
The role of faith communities in suicide prevention: A guidebook for faith leaders
The purpose of this guidebook is to prepare leaders of faith communities to prevent, intervene ...

Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilities
An update of the IOM book, Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders, this work focuses on the resear...
A mental health recovery and community integration guide for GLBTQI individuals: What you need to know
This 12-page booklet covers a range of key issues in mental health recovery and community integ...

Safety planning guide: A quick guide for clinicians
This quick guide for clinicians may be used to develop a safety plan - a prioritized written li...
Resource List/Bibliography

FNBHA catalogue of effective behavioral health practices for tribal communities
The First Nations Behavioral Health Association (FNBHA) catalogue is based on criteria develope...
Characteristics of juvenile suicide in confinement
This publication examines 110 juvenile suicides that occurred in confinement between 1995 and 1...
Creating competent communities for youth suicide prevention
Presentation that reviews the benefits of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention progr...
Aging and suicide
This course covers risk and protective factors for suicide in older adults, assessment of risk ...
When tragedy strikes: Suicide postvention on a college campus
Article on postvention in the college setting. Includes information on: crisis communication; s...
Qungasvik Toolbox: A toolbox for promoting youth sobriety and reasons for living in Yup’ik/Cup’ik communities
This toolkit has 36 cultural and bicultural activities designed to build protection from suicid...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Views from the home front: The experience of children from military families
Summarizes research showing that children from military families experience above-average level...
Healthy Education for Life Program (HELP)
Developed by HeartLine, Inc., HELP is a suicide awareness program that targets youth 10 to 24 y...
Manual , Program/Practice
"Is Your Patient Suicidal?" Emergency Department Poster and Clinical Guide
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center developed the “Is Your Patient Suicidal?” Emergency ...
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline wallet card: Having trouble coping? With help comes hope
After a traumatic event dealing with emotions can be difficult. This wallet card lists signs of...
Multisystemic Therapy With Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric)
Multisystemic Therapy with Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric) is a psychological treatment ...
Connect Suicide Postvention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, the Connect Suicide Postvention program inc...
Understanding major depression and recovery: What you need to know about this medical illness
Brochure with information about major depression, including options for treatment.
Published as: Morbidity and mortality weekly report / Centers for Disease Control. June 6, 2008...
Means matter: Suicide, guns, and public health
Demonstrates that reducing a suicidal person’s access to lethal means helps save lives, parti...
First national conference for survivors of suicide attempts, health care professionals, and clergy and laity: Summary of workgroup reports
This report from an October 2005 meeting led by the Organization of Attempters and Survivors of...
Picture This: Depression and Suicide Prevention
Picture This is a guide for creators in the entertainment industry which addresses issues withi...
Reported health and health-influencing behaviors among urban American Indians and Alaska Natives
This report was released at a symposium titled "Through native eyes: Identity, perception and r...
Cultural competence in mental health
This brochure briefly describes: what is culture; what is cultural competence; diversity in the...
Suicide prevention efforts for individuals with serious mental illness: Roles for the State Mental Health Authority
This report is the fourteenth in a series of Technical Reports produced by the National Associa...
No longer alone: A resource manual for rural sexual minority youth and the adults who serve them
This resource manual assists concerned adults in creating safe environments for rural gay youth...

Legacy Wheel
Prevalence of self-reported postpartum depressive symptoms - 17 states, 2004--2005
MMWR. April 11, 2008; 57(14):361-366. This report summarizes the results of CDC analysis of dat...
Surveillance for violent deaths - National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 states, 2005
MMWR. April 11, 2008; 57(SS03):1-43,45. This report, for the first time since the creation of N...
Generating an action plan for preventing college student suicide
This presentation (especially slides 51-68) includes a description of the SPRC/Jed Foundation C...
Suicide prevention among veterans- CRS Report to Congress
This report prepared for members and committees of congress discusses data and risk and protect...
Opening the door to the inclusion of transgender people: The nine keys to making lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations fully transgender-inclusive
This guide is specifically written for LGBT groups and organizations that want to be more inclu...
Strategies to improve external cause-of-injury coding in state-based hospital discharge and emergency department data systems: Recommendations of the CDC Workgroup for Improvement of External Cause-of-Injury Coding
This report discusses the value of using high-quality E-coding to collect data in state-based m...
Invisible wounds of war: Psychological and cognitive injuries, their consequences, and services to assist recovery
The study discussed in this monograph focuses on post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressi...
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA)
SAMHDA holdings consist mainly of data derived from surveys and administrative records. These d...
Suicide prevention for older adults: Professional Reference Series, Vol. 1
Summarizes the most recent studies on preventing suicide in older (59+) adults. Describes the N...
After an attempt: The emotional impact of suicide attempt on families
This booklet includes information on: important do's and don'ts; dealing with a traumatic event...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Evidence-based practices and multicultural mental health
Addressing self-injury in the school setting
Journal of School Nursing. 2008 Jun; 24(3): 124-30. A comprehensive plan for school nurses and ...
Coalition sustainability: Long-term successes and lessons learned
Journal of Extension. 2002 Feb; 40(1). One of the USDA youth-at-risk projects was designed to d...
Sustaining community-based initiatives: Community and economic development
Reviews the traditional missions of health care service organizations and looks toward organiza...
Building capacity and sustainable prevention innovations: A sustainability planning model
Evaluation and Program Planning. 2004 May;27(2):135–49. Presents a planning model for sustain...
Youth suicide and self-harm: What advocates need to know
This article was developed for attorneys who work with adolescents in the child welfare system....
Sustaining grassroots community-based programs: A toolkit for community- and faith-based service providers
This toolkit is designed to help grassroots community and faith based organizations develop pro...
State suicide prevention planning: A CDC research brief
This report summarizes the results of a CDC research study conducted to document the key proces...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Relationship between the economy, unemployment and suicide
Talking points on the economy, unemployment, and suicide prepared in November 2008. URLs update...
The mental health of adolescents: A national profile, 2008
This brief highlights existing national data about adolescent mental health status, assesses sh...
Looking for something to look forward to: A five-year retrospective review of child and youth suicide in B.C.
This report highlights the need for better recognition of youth suicide risk factors. The autho...
Patient Safety Initiative: 2007 Summary Report
The third annual report on the New Jersey Patient Safety Act. Includes statistics on suicides a...
Deaths from violence: A look at 17 states. - Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System
This report, the first product of the State Violent Death Reporting System (VDRS) Workgroup, hi...
People Prevent Suicide aims to provide student leaders, counselors, safety and health profess...
Senior suicide: Understanding the risk, preventing the tragedy
This overview presentation reviews data by age, gender, state, and methods. It lists major risk...
Managing school crises: More than just response
These recommendations provide a brief overview of the National Association of School Psychologi...
Depression: Overcoming stigma
This resource includes archived slides and a recording of a webinar discussing overcoming both ...
AgePage: Depression
This brochure, derived from the bulletin AgePage, provides information on the causes and sympto...
Substance abuse and suicide prevention: Evidence and implications - A white paper
This white paper provides an overview of the advances made over the past decade in the areas of...
Responding to crisis at a school
This extensive (161 pages) resource aid provides guidance on crisis planning and response as we...
Suicide awareness training for faculty and staff: A training model for school counselors
This article provides a step-by-step model for mental health professionals to use and adapt for...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Tips for teachers: Teen depression and suicide
This sample tip sheet provides guidance on how teachers can recognize depression or risk of sui...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Teen Suicide: Facts for families
This tip sheet for parents explains signs that may indicate risk of suicide and ways in which t...
Preventing suicide: How to start a survivors' group
This manual discusses needs of suicide survivors, ways in which self-help groups can help as we...
Paving the road home: Returning veterans and behavioral health
This issue of SAMHSA News covers "Paving the Road Home," SAMHSA's Second National Behavioral He...
Gulf War and health: Volume 7: Long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury
That many returning veterans have TBI will likely mean long-term challenges for them and their ...
Preventing youth suicide in rural America: Recommendations to states
SPRC and the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association formed a workgroup t...

Strategic direction for the prevention of suicidal behavior: Promoting individual, family, and community connectedness to prevent suicidal behavior
This resource describes ways to prevent suicide by strengthening connectedness or social bonds ...

Safety plan treatment manual to reduce suicide risk: Veteran version
TIP 42: Substance abuse treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders
Provides substance abuse treatment providers with updated information on co-occurring substance...
Writing good goals
This brief is about writing good 5-year program goals. It includes a comparison between the ove...
Getting started on campus: Tips for new prevention coordinators
This publication is intended to simplify, organize, and provide a context for the information a...
Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE)
CCCSE, a research and service initiative of the Program in Higher Education Leadership in the C...
Providing services and supports for youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex or two-spirit
This Practice Brief is for policymakers, administrators, and providers seeking to learn more ab...
Student mental health and the law: A resource for institutions of higher education
Video/Audio Recording
Breaking the Silence
This 17-minute video and accompanying discussion guide are used at community forums as a means ...
Campus Connect: A Suicide Prevention Training for Gatekeepers
Developed by the Syracuse University Counseling Center, Campus Connect is a ...
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
High School Gatekeeper Curriculum
Developed by Gryphon Place, the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A High School C...
Emergency Room Intervention for Adolescent Females
Response: A Comprehensive High School-based Suicide Awareness Program (2nd Edition)
RESPONSE is a comprehensive high school-based program that increases awareness ab...
American Indian Life Skills (AILS)
American Indian Life Skills (AILS) is a universal, school-based, culturally grounded, life-skil...
Suicide Alertness for Everyone (safeTALK)
SafeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize an...
Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention pro...
PROSPECT (Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial)
Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial (PROSPECT) aims to prevent s...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
The cost of violence in the United States
Violence-related injuries, including suicide, adversely affect the health and welfare of all Am...
Resource List/Bibliography
Suicidality and help-seeking behaviors in American Indian youth
Data Trend #143 May 2007. This fact sheet summarizes research on suicidality and help-seeking b...
Practical information on crisis planning: A guide for schools and communities
This guide is intended to give schools, districts, and communities the critical concepts and co...
Suicide in deaf populations: a literature review
Studies have found that deaf individuals have higher rates of psychiatric disorder than those w...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Men and suicide, part I: Risk factors
A fact sheet on the incidence of suicide among men, risk factors, and the reluctance of men to ...
Suicidality and violence in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Guidelines for medical professionals on how to handle suicidality and/or violence in patients w...

Restoring Balance: Community Owned Wellness
This manual provides a process for use by American Indian/Alaska Native communities to address ...
Elder suicide prevention: A review of best practices and recommendations for state initiatives in Maine
This manual describes: evidence based practices of elder suicide prevention; screening tools fo...
Big cities health inventory: The health of urban America, 2007
The fifth edition of the Big Cities Health Inventory (BCHI) report, a compendium of health stat...
Men and suicide, part II. Encouraging help-seeking and the promise of social support
SIEC Alert. Dec 2007; #66. This newsletter issue describes the recent research studies on men s...
Suicide in the U.S.: Statistics and prevention
An overview, including statistics, of suicide as a public health problem in the United States.<...
Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with depressive disorders
Provides guidelines on screening, evaluation, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent ...
Impact and value: Telling your program's story
The purpose of this workbook is to help public health program administrators understand what a ...
Early childhood mental health consultation: An evaluation tool kit
Combines a brief review of the literature and current research addressing the effectiveness of ...
School mental health: Role of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and factors affecting service provision
This report describes: SAMHSA’s coordination with other federal departments and agencies to s...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: School Health Policies and Programs Study
School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted t...
Preventing suicide in jails and prisons
Aimed at the administrators who develop or implement mental health programs in correctional set...
Quick guide to working with interpreters in mental health settings
A manual from Australia on how to: book an appropriate interpreter; check him/her; communicate ...
National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
The National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (NCAIANMHR) is...
Depression: What you need to know
A detailed booklet that describes depression symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information...
Gulf war and health: Volume 6-Physiologic, psychologic, and psychosocial effects of deployment-related stress
This study comprehensively reviewed, evaluated, and summarized the peer-reviewed scientific and...
Lifeline service and outreach strategies suggested by suicide attempt survivors
On January 16, 2007, eight attempt survivors were invited to attend an Attempt Survivor Advisor...
Ranking America's mental health: An analysis of depression across the states
This report compares depression levels and suicide rates in all 50 states and the District of C...
Cultural and linguistic competence policy assessment (CLCPA)
The CLCPA is designed to examine cultural and linguistic competence at an agency or organizatio...
Walking a mile: A first step toward mutual understanding
The research--based on 12 focus groups conducted in 2006 and 2007--explores Indians' perception...
Building capacity to meet the demand for services: Beyond the therapist's office
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
NAMI veterans resource center
A webpage that contains online resources for veterans and active duty military members, as well...
Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: An assessment of the evidence
This book was created because the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Committee on the Treatment of...
Mental illness and suicide: A Mindframe resource for stage and screen [Australia]
This resource provides practical advice and information for people involved in the development ...
AAP statement: Suicide and suicide attempts in adolescents
Article in Pediatrics, Vol. 120 No. 3 September 2007, pp. 669-676. This report updates the prev...
The Basics: Facilitating a Suicide Survivors Support Group
Guide provides group planning suggestions, multiple handouts and resources which can be used by...
Facilitating suicide bereavement support groups: A self-study package
Contains a comprehensive 95-page guide to effective support group facilitation and a 90-minute ...
Use of screening to identify and engage students at risk: Overview of campus screening
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
Involving students as allies in suicide prevention
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
CAST (Coping and Support Training)
CAST (Coping and Support Training) is a school-based small group counseling program for at-risk...
Adapting the Air Force suicide prevention model for campuses: Cornell University
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
Standards for the assessment of suicide risk among callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Developed by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Standards for the Assessment of Suic...

Framework for developing institutional protocols for the acutely distressed or suicidal college student (Presentation)
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
National guidelines for seniors’ mental health: The assessment of suicide risk and prevention of suicide
Program Description:
Developed by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH...
Evaluating the effectiveness of gatekeeper training: Using logic models to guide implementation and evaluation
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
No gun left behind: The gun lobby’s campaign to push guns into colleges and schools
This report from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence discusses issues related to access to...

The hexagon tool
This tool can help you select evidence-based programs by reviewing six broad factors related to...
Managing student-athletes’ mental health issues
The purpose of this handbook is to assist coaches in identifying student-athletes who may be ha...
Culturally competent care in the emergency medical services
This article discusses how culture can affect patients’ perceptions of health issues and inte...
Supporting students: A model policy for colleges and universities
The Bazelon Center offers this model policy to help colleges and universities develop a nondisc...
Mental Health Environment of Care Checklist (MHECC)
This spreadsheet/checklist was developed for Veterans Affairs Hospitals to use to review inpati...
Cyber-Safe kids, cyber-savvy teens: Helping young people learn to make safe and responsible choices online
This guide for parents discusses internet risks and concerns, including cyberbullying, for yout...
Depression and bipolar wellness guides for parents and teens
These two guides were developed to help parents and their teen children better understand and m...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
School awareness series: The role of the school board in suicide prevention
This one-page fact sheet provides guidance to school board members on how they can ensure that ...
Suicide prevention (Quick training aids)
This quick training aid provides a brief overview and fact sheets on suicide rates and methods ...
Child and youth emergency mental health care: A national problem
This issue brief reviews the state of
mental health services for children and youth who visi...
Suicide awareness for older Kansans
This brochure provides data on suicide in older adults, a checklist for self-assessment, myths ...
Campus example: Syracuse University and Campus Connect, A
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
Best practices for campus suicide prevention
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
Substance abuse and suicide prevention
Provides comprehensive data on suicides and suicide attempts which involved substance abuse. De...
Supporting and collaborating with survivors of suicide and suicide attempts
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
On the stigma of mental illness (Presentation)
Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. January 17-19, 2007, Gaithersbu...
Psychological needs of U.S. Military service members and their families: A preliminary report
The Task Force was charged with: identifying the psychological risks and mental health-related ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Post-traumatic stress disorder research fact sheet
Highlights several important areas in NIMH post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) focused resear...
Rural health disparities
This webpage discusses rural health disparities and links to various resources on the topic.
Resource List/Bibliography
Depression and suicide in older adults resource guide
Lists recommended by the APA resources on the subject: journal articles; reports, monographs, a...
Cultural awareness in health care
This page of the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries website provides a comprehensive collection of ...
Girlfriends' guide to what to expect when your girlfriend's grieving
A manual for survivors' friends.
Living is for everyone: A framework for the prevention of suicide and self harm in Australia (LIFE Framework)
This updated national plan promotes 6 action areas for suicide prevention activity:
1. Promo...
Media guidelines for school administrators who may interact with reporters about youth suicide
This brief manual explores how media accounts can actually serve as a suicide prevention tool b...
National Patient Safety Goals
The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits nearly 15,000 health care organizations and progra...
Lok-it-Up: A campaign to promote the safe storage of firearms
This campaign raises awareness about the importance of safe firearm storage, informs the public...
Comprender el Suicidio: Lo Fundamental (Understanding Suicide: The Basics)
Helps individuals, families and communities learn about suicide prevention and the actions that...
Cornell research program on self-injury and recovery
This website summarizes the program's work and provides links and resources for information of ...
Hotline evaluation and linkage project: Category II
The goals of this project were to: evaluate the immediate outcomes of calls to Telephone Crisis...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Describes types of self-injury; warning signs; incidence and onset; background of self-injurers...
State injury indicators report, Third Edition - 2004 data
This report compiles injury information from 34 states and consolidates data from hospital reco...
National violent death reporting system: Lessons learned from 17 states, 2002-2006- Executive Summary
In 2006, STIPDA (now Safe States), through its cooperative agreement with CDC, conducted teleph...
Suicide trends among youths and young adults aged 10-24 years- United States, 1990-2004
Published as: Morbidity and mortality weekly report-September 7, 2007:56(35);905-908. Discusses...
America's children: Key national indicators of well-being, 2007
This report includes data on topics such as family and social environment, economic circumstanc...
The cultural facet of suicidal behaviour: Its importance and neglect
Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health (AeJAMH). 2006. 5(3). This paper illu...
Toxicology testing and results for suicide victims - 13 states, 2004
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Nov. 24, 2006 / 55(46);1245-48. To assess toxicology tes...
Depression wellness guide for adults with depression and their families and friends
This guide was developed to help adults and their families better understand and monitor treatm...
Finding help and working with schools: Tips for parents of teens with mental health problems
A brochure primarily for parents about how to work with the school to help their teen who has a...
United States Air Force Suicide Prevention Program
Understanding and helping the suicidal individual: Be aware of the warning signs
Common warning signs of suicide, along with recommendations for action are given.
A how-to guide for advocates who want to improve the response to people with mental illness who...
US News and World Report online depression center
US News and World Report Online Depression Center Part of U.S. News and World Report's Brain an...
Developing community capacity
Module one of "Sustaining Community-Based Initiatives". The module is designed to improve the c...
Post-traumatic stress disorder: DOD needs to identify the factors its providers use to make mental health evaluation referrals for servicemembers
This report discusses the benefits that servicemembers supporting Operation Enduring Freedom (O...
Developing and marketing your suicide prevention message: A strategic approach (Presentation)
This presentation describes social marketing principles, provides a strategic planning model, d...
Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions: Quality chasm series
This report addresses lack of access to, and coordination and fragmentation of health/mental ...
Strategies to improve non-fatal suicide attempt surveillance: Recommendations from an expert roundtable
This report reviews current public health surveillance activities, and systems. The report expr...
Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, major depressive episode, and substance use among adults
From The OAS Report, Issue 34. This report based on the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use & ...
Information Gaps on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population: A Background Paper
A background paper on the information needs of deaf and hard of hearing populations, particular...
Endangered youth: A report on suicide among adolescents involved with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
This report familiarizes professionals from a broad range of agencies with an interdisciplinary...
Teen suicide prevention
Prevention Researcher. 2006 Sep; 13(3). Includes articles on: recognizing youth who is at risk ...
Psychiatric disorders of youth in detention
Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 2006 Apr:1-16. Examines the prevalence of alcohol, drug, and mental ...
Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions
Quality Chasm Series. Quality Chasm strategy, put forth by the IOM in 2001, is a strategy for i...
Addiction counseling competencies: The knowledge, skills, and attitudes of professional practice
Technical Assistance Publication (TAP) Series 21. A comprehensive list of 123 competencies that...
Blueprint for change: Improving the system response to youth with mental health needs involved with the juvenile justice system
Research and Program Briefs series. Describes the Blueprint for Change, a model which provides ...
Youth with mental health disorders in the juvenile justice system: Results from a multi-state prevalence study
Research and Program Briefs series. Summarizes the results of the most comprehensive mental hea...
Countering stigma and discrimination: Overview. - Stigma research approaches to counter stigma (Presentation)
From the 2006 GLSMA Meeting. Discusses: MacArthur Mental Health Module General Social Survey (1...
SAMHSA's national stigma reduction programs (Presentation)
Describes: National Anti-Stigma Campaign (NASC); Voice Awards; Participatory Dialogs; "Challeng...
Gatekeeper training: background
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
How do school staff benefit from gatekeeper training in suicide prevention?
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Recognize, connect! Helping youth at risk of suicide: A frameworks training for gatekeepers (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Strategies and challenges for community suicide prevention: AF Suicide Prevention Program
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Tohono O'odham Nation: CMHS tribal youth suicide prevention project (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
"De Facto" mental health system: A tool to understand the mental health system in rural communities, The
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
But is it relevant? - Gatekeeper education in Idaho's rural, frontier and tribal Areas
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Assessing and responding to mental health needs after a disaster
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Research on the mental health consequences of disaster (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Ensuring cultural and linguistic competence (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Practical strategies for preventing juvenile suicides in confinement settings
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Engaging primary care practitioners in suicide prevention (Adolescents)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Active Minds, Inc.: Reaching out to young adults on campus
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Leaving a legacy: Sustaining change in your community
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Implementing school-based programs: Issues and strategies
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
School-based programs
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Strategies for working in foster care settings (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Mental health outcomes of the Northwest Foster Care alumni study
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Guidelines for working effectively with interpreters in a mental health setting
These guidelines from Australia are intended to assist mental health staff to understand the ch...
Depression screening in a VA primary care clinic
Psychiatric Services. 2006 Dec; 57:1694–96. In 1998, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ...
State mandates for treatment for mental health illness and substance abuse disorders
Focuses on state-mandated benefits, state laws regulating mental health and addiction treatment...
An adolescent mental health & wellness curriculum: A starter kit for schools
A manual for school leaders containing information directed at promoting wellness and facilitat...
Oregon older adult suicide prevention advisory work group plan
In 2003, Oregon had the fourth highest suicide rate among older adults in the US. This plan ide...
Child and adolescent mental health toolkit
Includes: bilingual children’s mental health brochures and mini-posters; "Positive parenting"...
After a suicide: A postvention prevention primer for providers
Geared toward behavioral health care providers, this newsletter article examines many aspects o...
Research-based guidelines and practices for school-based suicide prevention
This document summarizes federal (and California) activity to prevent student suicide and provi...
Making a difference: State health department injury and violence prevention programs
This compendium presents examples of state-level injury and violence prevention programs, inclu...
Suicide prevention and intervention
This article provides guidance to administrators on the problem of student suicide; warning sig...
Guidance on action to be taken at suicide hotspots
This British work is designed to assist in the identification and management of suicide 'hotspo...
Suicide prevention: Information for individuals and families
Brochure that contains 12 prevention tips geared toward individuals who have suicidal thoughts ...
Preventing Suicide: A resource for counsellors
This resource provides guidance for counselors to understand suicide risk and prevention. It di...
Preventing Suicide: A Resource at Work
This resource provides guidance for employers, union officers, EAPs, personnel directors and wo...
Emergency responders management of patients who may have attempted suicide
This journal article addresses how EMS providers should work with patients who may have attempt...

Framework for developing institutional protocols for the acutely distressed or suicidal college student
Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Reduced Analgesic Packaging
Brief Psychological Intervention after Deliberate Self-Poisoning
Depression: What every woman should know
Brochure to inform women about depression, including symptoms, treatments, and further resource...
Resource List/Bibliography
Recent firearms research
Listing of current research on firearms with a section on guns and death which includes researc...
Gun Storage practices and risk of youth suicide and unintentional firearm injuries
Published in JAMA. 2005 Feb 9;293(6):707-14.: Research article that measures the association of...

Hope, Help, and Healing: A Planning Toolkit for First Nations and Aboriginal Communities to Prevent and Respond to Suicide
American Indian suicides in jail: Can risk screening be culturally sensitive?
With the help of researchers, the administrator of a jail in a Northern Plains State found out ...
Suicide prevention in rural America
PowerPoint slides from the New York State Office of Mental Health Statewide Summit on Suicide P...
Suicide in rural areas
Advancing Suicide Prevention, Vol. 1, Issue 2, July/August 2005. This journal issue contains ar...
Mood disorders and substance use disorder: A complex comorbidity
NIDA Science and Practice Perspectives, 2005 Dec. This article explores the prevalence and rela...
Perinatal depression: Prevalence, screening accuracy, and screening outcomes
Overviews 30 research studies on the subject. Conclusions: available research suggests that dep...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Let's talk facts about teen suicide
Includes basic facts on adolescent suicide: causes; signals; statistics; prevention strategies;...
Mental health risk factors, unmet needs, and provider availability for rural children: Executive summary
The study uses the 2001 National Health Interview Survey, a nationally representative survey of...
Surgeon General's workshop on women's mental health. November 30 - December 1, 2005, Denver, Colorado
Summarizes the views and issues addressed at the workshop. Includes: an executive summary; an i...
This is the Facebook account for NativeOUT, a national unincorporated nonprofit education and ...
Geriatric mental health care training series
The primary purpose of this training series is to train nursing home staff in caring for and ma...
A guide to managing stress in crisis response professions
This pocket guide focuses on general principles of stress management and offers strategies that...
Sudden death-suicide-critical incident: Crisis response for principals and student services staff
Geared primarily toward principals, this guide lists specific procedures for coordinating a sch...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Considerations for school settings
This information sheet describes appropriate after-care for students, staff, and parents after ...
National healthcare disparities report
This report represents the first national comprehensive effort to measure differences in access...
Resource List/Bibliography
Evaluation resources
A list of resources related to program evaluation. The list includes book titles, online course...
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention
These competencies and their related learning objectives were developed through the conduct of ...
Surviving a suicide loss: A financial guide
This guide is for survivors who have lost a spouse, parent, child, or other loved one to suicid...
Parental consent act of 2009
This bill, H.R. 2218 (111) introduced in April 2009 by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to prohibi...
Youth suicide prevention: Strengthening state policies and school-based strategies
This issue brief by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices discusses what...
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline wallet card: Suicide prevention: Learn the warning signs
Lists the warning signs of suicide and urges those who exhibit any of the signs to contact a me...
Nebhands Curriculum: A Faith-Based and Community Initiative
The information in this guide provides a framework for communities, faith groups, and community...
Washington State Injury Data Tables
This webpage has links to nonfatal and fatal injury data, including suicides, by age, year, and...
Making health communication programs work: A planner’s guide
This book – known as the “pink book” – describes a practical approach for planning and ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Focus group fundamentals
This issue brief describes how focus group data are different than survey data. It provides g...
Connect suicide prevention and intervention training for emergency medical services
This training is designed to increase the competence of EMS providers in responding to individu...
Fierce goodbye: A faith-based perspective on suicide
Fierce Goodbye provides information for pastors, counselors, and suicide survivors and their fr...
Self-harm: The short-term physical and psychological management and secondary prevention of self-harm in primary and secondary care
This UK practice guideline makes recommendations for the physical, psychological and social as...
Suicide among women: A critical review
[Journal article] Published in: Journal of the American Medical Women's Association,59(2), Spri...

Pragmatic considerations of culture in preventing suicide: Workshop summary
Workshop summary of a meeting to:"examine how culture pertaining to ethnicity can be considered...
Screening and assessing mental health and substance use disorders among youth in the juvenile justice system: A resource guide for practitioners
Presents information on instruments that can be used to screen and assess youth for mental heal...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide: Adolescents and young adults
A fact sheet about suicide among adolescents and young adults.
Preventing tragedy: Bringing an end to youth suicide
July 2004 Special Topics Column of Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental...
State efforts to prevent youth suicide
5 pages. Issue Brief from April 2004. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials...

After a suicide: Recommendations for religious services and other public memorial observances
A guide to help community and faith leaders who plan memorial observances and provide support f...
Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report
This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute's independent evaluation of Co...
Cultural competency: Developing strategies to engage minority populations in suicide prevention
Report developed by the National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide (NOPCAS)Task ...
Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report
This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute's independent evaluation of Co...
Promoting mental health and preventing suicide in college and university settings (College White Paper)
This white paper summarizes what is known about suicidal behavior among college students and re...
Evidence-based Mental Health Treatments and Services: Examples to Inform Public Policy
This report aims to inform policymakers about the significance of recent advances in evaluating...
Youth suicide and attempted suicide
Published as: Morbidity and mortality weekly report / Centers for Disease Control. June 11, 200...
Suicidality in children and adolescents being treated with antidepressant medications
FDA Public Health Advisory announcing a multi-pronged strategy to warn the public about the inc...
Juvenile suicides, 1981-1998
8 pages. Published as: OJJDP Youth Violence Research Series, Bulletin, March 2004. Examines mor...

Getting to outcomes 2004: Promoting accountability through methods and tools for planning, implementation, and evaluation
This manual uses a 10-step process to increase practitioners’ prevention skills while empower...
Youth suicide Is preventable: How parents can LOOK LISTEN AND HELP
This brochure for parents discusses their role in recognizing changes in their child's that may...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Depression in children and adolescents: Information for parents and educators
This handout describes the problem of depression, symptoms, risk factors, ways to determine if ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
School memorials after suicide: Helpful or harmful?
This issue brief draws from the research to provide guidance for responding to suicide in a man...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Psychotropic drugs and children: Use, trends, and implications for schools
This fact sheet discusses emotional and behavioral health problems in children and youth and th...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping students cope with suicide
Short fact sheet providing five guidelines on responding to students after a suicide in the sch...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Culturally Competent Crisis Response: Information for School Psychologists and Crisis Teams
This information sheet, using vignettes on suicide among minority students, discusses crisis re...
Understanding and responding to students who self-mutilate
This article discusses characteristics of Repetitive Self-Mutilation Syndrome (RSM) in students...
Dealing with death at school
This article in Principal Leadership discusses appropriate ways school leadership should respon...
Suicide: Postvention strategies for school personnel
This handout is designed to help guide the implementation of postvention services. It reviews b...
Suicide risk assessment and management: Emergency department
Emergency departments are a key point of contact for people who have attempted suicide or who a...
Building bridges: Mental health consumers and members of faith-based and community organizations in dialog
This monograph summarizes findings and recommendations from the SAMHSA's CMHS sponsored dialog ...
Suicide prevention strategies- Schools
From "Health, mental health and safety guidelines for schools". This guideline states that scho...
School-associated suicides - United States, 1994--1999
MMWR, June 11, 2004; 53(22):476-78. To describe the psychosocial and behavioral characteristics...
Broken promises: Evaluating the Native American health care system
This report discusses the disparities in the health status and outcomes for Native Americans.
Incarceration of youth who are waiting for community mental health services in the United States
At the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Sen. Susan Collins, the Special
Investigations Di...
Aboriginal youth: A manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
Revised edition. Presents a model for understanding suicide among Aboriginal youth and for situ...
State of Tennessee Proclamation by the Governor
This is a proclamation designating May 28th as "Suicide Prevention Awareness Day" in Tennessee....
Risk of suicide and related adverse outcomes after exposure to a suicide prevention programme in the US Air Force: cohort study
[Journal article]. Published in: BMJ. 2003 Dec 13;327(7428):1376. In 1996 the US Air Force impl...
The assessment and management of people at risk of suicide: For emergency departments and mental health services acute assessment settings [New Zealand]
Commissioned by the Ministry of Health and developed by the New Zealand Guidelines Group (NZGG)...
Practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors
This practice guideline is based on available evidence and clinical consensus and offers recomm...
Real men, real depression: It takes courage to ask for help. These men did
Tri-fold brochure about depression and men, with testimonials and photographs.
Adapted from: Community Assessment Tool developed by the Suicide Prevention Program at the Mass...
Instructions for Conducting a SWOT Analysis
A tool to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of critical aspects...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Real men, real depression: Depression, a treatable illness
Factsheet on depression and men.
The American Geriatrics Society and American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Recommendations for Policies in Support of Quality Mental Health Care in U.S. Nursing Homes
Policy recommendations from a 2003 expert panel are included on the following issues: access to...
Suicide Prevention for older people: Early intervention, assessment and referral options for staff working with older people who may be at risk of suicide
This is a guide for mental health educators on how to conduct a one-day workshop on suicide pre...
American Indian and Alaska Native resource manual
This manual is designed as a tool to help NAMI state chapters and affiliates to better underst...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Rural suicide prevention
A two-page fact sheet containing information on adolescent rural suicide prevention.
The overall objective of this research was to address and fill in the gaps in the existing rese...
Acting on what we know: Preventing youth suicide in First Nations
The purpose of the Advisory Group on Suicide Prevention was to review the existing research and...
In harm's way: A primer in detention suicide prevention
The Lane County, Oregon Model for suicide prevention in juvenile detention and residential faci...
A call to collaboration: The federal commitment to suicide prevention
Originally published as an article in (2003), Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 33(2):10...
Achieving the promise: Transforming mental health care in America
The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health was charged with studying the mental health service...

A guide to choosing and adapting culturally and linguistically competent health promotion materials
This document provides guidance on how to develop health promotion materials that reflect cultu...
Technical assistance sampler: School interventions to prevent youth suicide
This report provides basic statistical info on youth suicide and an overview on the topics of s...
Safe and responsible use of the internet: A guide for educators
This guide for educators addresses the issues involved with the use of the Internet by youth, i...
Suicide survivors: Tips for professionals
Discusses how health professionals can manage care for suicide survivors.
Executive Summary of a Scientific Consensus Conference developed by the UR Center for the Study...
Suicide in youth- American Behavioral Scientist Issue
[Journal Issue] American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 46, Number 9, May 2003 Click on the link ...
SOS: A handbook for survivors of suicide
The SOS Handbook is designed to be a pocket-sized, quick-reference booklet for suicide survivor...
Injury mortality among American Indian and Alaska Native children and youth - United States, 1989-1998.
Published as: Morbidity and mortality weekly report / Centers for Disease Control. August 1, 20...
The tension of turf: Making it work for the coalition
Building on earlier work of the Prevention Institute, which described the coalition start-up pr...
Collaboration math: Enhancing the effectiveness of multidisciplinary collaboration
Collaboration Math describes the application of this Prevention Institute tool at the Universit...
Special report: Suicidal behavior in the elderly
[Journal article]. Published in: Psychiatric Times, Dec 2003;XX(13). A review of the literature...
Reducing alcohol problems on campus: A guide to planning and evaluation
This brief guide outlines five steps for effective prevention planning and evaluation on campus...
World report on violence and health
The goals of the report are to raise awareness about the problem of violence globally, and to m...
Suicide prevention and mood disorders
Facts about suicide prevention and depression. Includes a list of risk factors, how to talk to ...
The emerging crisis of college student suicide: Law and policy responses to serious forms of self-inflicted injury
Journal Article. From Stetson Law Review, 32, page 125-157. This article discusses changes in l...
A psychological autopsy of the suicide of an academically gifted student: Researchers' and parents' perspectives
[Journal Article] From: Gifted Child Quarterly, Vol. 46, No.4, Fall 2002. This study uses the m...
Safeguarding your students against suicide
As a follow-up to the National Strategy, a panel of leading experts from various disciplines, c...
Emergency medical system responses to suicide-related calls --- Maine, November 1999--October 2000
Published as: MMWR 51(03);56-59. This report describes EMS suicide-related responses during Nov...

Dealing with the effects of trauma: A self-help guide
Geared toward mental health consumers, this document offers guidance on coping with the mental ...
The police and mental health
With deinstitutionalization and the influx into the community of persons with severe mental ill...
Evaluation's role in supporting initiative sustainability
This paper offers ideas for the roles that evaluation can play in helping foundations ensure th...
Suicide prevention: A parent and teen guide to recognizing suicide warning signs (MHA in Texas)
Lists major signs of adolescent's suicidal state of mind. Briefly describes critical prevention...
Depressive disorder treatment in the military health system (MHS): A national quality management program special study
The purpose of this study was twofold. First, the study obtained baseline measurement rates for...
Meeting the mental health needs of persons who are deaf
This report is the latest publication in the NTAC’s Cultural Diversity Series, which explores...
Reducing suicide: A national imperative
Contents include: Magnitude of the problem, Psychiatric and psychological factors, Biological f...
How can emergency responders manage their own response to a traumatic event?
—Aimed at emergency responders, this information sheet lists methods for coping during—and ...
How can emergency responders help grieving individuals?
(1 page). Describes the reactions of grieving individuals and offers general advice on respondi...
Suicide by profession: Lots of confusion, inconclusive data
[Journal article]. This is a short article published in the American Psychological Association'...
The Air Force Suicide Prevention Program: A description of program initiatives and outcomes (AFPAM 44-160)
Air Force Pamphlet 44-160. This 54-page document describes the Air Force Suicide Prevention Pla...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Times of tragedy: Preventing suicide in troubled children and youth, Part I, Tips for parents and schools
This brief discusses the risk factors related to traumatic events, warning signs for suicide a...
Cultural competency: A practical guide for mental health service providers
Defines the term "cultural competency". Provides guidance for mental health professionals on: d...
Mental health: Culture, race, and ethnicity. - A supplement to Mental health: A report of the Surgeon General
Considers mental health services for the following racial and ethnic groups: African Americans;...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Substance use disorders and suicide
This brief fact sheet describes populations with higher incidence of substance abuse and lists ...
Resource List/Bibliography
Glossary of suicide prevention terms
From the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action.
Data is listed for deaths by suicide and diagnosis. Adapted from the National Strategy for Suic...
Depression, suicide and suicide prevention in schizophrenia
An article on schizophrenia and suicide originally posted to the American Foundation for Suicid...
Suicide prevention: Prevention effectiveness and evaluation
This booklet explains important prevention and evaluation concepts in the context of suicide pr...

How to select a program evaluator
Campus-based prevention coordinators are under increasing pressure to evaluate their alcohol an...
Suicide and gay/lesbian/bisexual youth: implications for clinicians
[Journal Article] Published in: Journal of Adolescence 2001, 24, 39–49. The research indicati...
What specific strategies can emergency responders utilize to connect with particularly challenging individuals?
Reviews the Three D's approach, Distraction, Disruption or Diffusion, that emergency responders...
Emerging Judicial Strategies for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Caseload: Mental Health Courts in Fort Lauderdale, Seattle, San Bernadino, and Anchorage
This report describes the emergence of the mental health court strategy in four pioneering juri...
Preventing Suicide: A resource for prison officers
This resource provides guidance for prison officers to understand and respond to suicide among ...
Preventing suicide: A resource for primary health care workers
This resource provides guidance for primary care providers to understand and respond to suicide...
Preventing suicide: A resource for general physicians
Booklet for general physicians on the topic of suicide. Includes information on risk factors fo...
Youth with mental health disorders: Issues and emerging responses
Article originally appeared in Juvenile Justice, Volume 7(1): 3-13, April 2000. The article cov...
Assessment of suicidal behaviors and risk in children and adolescents
An online listing of interview, self-report, and screening tools for assessing suicide in child...
Critical components of a suicide prevention policy: Suicide prevention in juvenile facilities
[Journal article]. Published in: Juvenile Justice - Youth With Mental Health Disorders:
AFSP's teen suicide prevention campaign: Suicide shouldn't be a secret PSAs
This campaign includes public service announcements of actual teenagers who have had a suicidal...
What every teacher should know
This brochure, available in both English and Spanish, discusses the scope of youth suicide in O...
Preventing suicide: A resource for teachers and other school staff
This 18-page guide briefly describes suicidal behavior in adolescence and risk and protective f...
The Surgeon General's call to action to prevent suicide
On July 28, 1999, Tipper Gore and Surgeon General David Satcher hosted a press conference at wh...
Suicide detention and prevention in jails: Including mental impairments
This is an instructor guide for a course designed to provide county corrections officers with a...
Mental health: A report of the Surgeon General
This report recognizes the intertwined relationship between mental and physical health. Focuses...
National Mental Health Awareness Campaign
NMHAC, a nationwide nonpartisan public education campaign, was launched as part of the 1999 Whi...
Continuity, success, and survival of community-based projects: The national youth at risk program sustainability study. - Report to the USDA
Addresses some of the deficits in program sustainability, specifically for at-risk audiences, a...
Framework for program evaluation in public health
Published as: Morbidity and mortality weekly report : recommendations and reports : MMWR / Cent...
Parent guidelines for crisis response
Describes the types of behaviors/reactions that parents can expect of their children after a cr...
Teacher guidelines for crisis response
This manual is reprinted from "A practical guide to crisis response in our schools" (1999). It ...

Model tribal research code
This document provides information and resources addressing the participation of American India...
Practice guidelines for psychiatric consultation in the general medical setting
Published in: Psychosomatics, 39:S8-S30, August 1998. This practice guideline aims to provide g...
Telemental health: Delivering mental health care at a distance: A summary report
This report was produced to inform federal, state and local mental health administrators about ...
Cultural continuity as a hedge against suicide in Canada’s First Nations
This research report, which is about self-continuity and its role as a protective factor agains...
Suicide Prevention Evaluation in a Western Athabaskan American Indian Tribe, 1988 - 1997
This report summarizes the results of a suicide prevention and intervention program implemented...

Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs)
This website provides information and links to the 12 TECs that serve American Indian and Alask...
Prison suicide: An overview and guide to prevention
This monograph contains a review of the literature and of national and state standards for prev...
National Center for PTSD
This website provides resources for public, veterans, military, military families and professio...
Calling from the rim: Suicidal behavior among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents
In 1990 the National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research at the...
Suicide contagion and the reporting of suicide: Recommendations from a national workshop
From Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, April 22, 1994 / 43(RR-6);9-18. In November 1989, a...
Current trends operational criteria for determining suicide
This is a document from 1988 that contains operational criteria to assist coroners and medical ...
CDC Recommendations for a Community Plan for the Prevention and Containment of Suicide Clusters
Published as: MMWR 37(S-6);1-12. Recommendations in this report were developed to assist commun...
Yo bi se porque /I don't know why
A Spanish translation of the poem "I Don't Know Why", from Iris Bolton's book My Son...My Son -...